Title: Test Patterns
Fandom: Batman (comics)
Character: Batman
Prompt: #4 - inertia
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bruce Wayne gives himself a full physical.
A/N: This is an older story I reworked a little for the challenge prompt. Apologies to those who have already read this.
It was the second Sunday of the third month, which meant that today was test day. )
The AU is on my harddrive. It's part of my Things That Never Happened... series. So far I have: a riff on Selina from Absolute Power (Superman/Batman) making that diamond collar Bruce gave her into an invisible fence sort of deal, one where she grew up as a proper Falcone and gets married off to some nasty costume fetish old geezer, one where Thomas Elliot takes Bruce slumming and they hire teenage Selina and Chantel, one where both Selina and Bruce became total squares, him a surgeon, her an FBI officer, and another where she's a brothel owner dying from aids who views Batman as another variety of street corner pimp/thug. Oh, and the one where she comes from a large jewish family.
As you can see, ten shades of wrong and a whole lotta work. Every now and then another one creeps up on me, which slows me down even more. And then that other fic I showed you, titled Plea Bargain, mutated with a firm focus on legal vs social politics and and and.... You know how it is.
And thanks - I knew you liked it. Otherwise there'd be deafening silence rather than a LJ comment. *g*
Clearly, YMMV, but I find the current Catwoman plot to be heading full speed ahead toward a black hole of suckage. Or as I say, her brain fell out along with the placenta. I don't care for the pacing and its obvious submission to upcoming Batman arcs, which puts me off even further. *smiles* I'm putting my money on Sam Bradley, at this point, because that would be lame, and that seems to be the name of the game.
You did FB "Plea Bargain", but ironically, it was growling at you about all the legalese spawned by making a certain person an escaped felon that helped me center the fic. I realized that the most interesting thing about formally pairing Selina with Bruce isn't their emotional hang-ups or petty insecurities; it's the legality.
The solution lay in remembering that the law does not exist in a vacuum, but within a complex social structure that allows people like OJ and Michael Jackson to remain free. The reason why many Selina/Bruce fic come off forced is because people try to sidle around coming to a firm legal solution, hence the placing of marriage on the last page. I've got it working, but it involves a lot of demonstration, various scenes to show what happens if this legal/social challenge occurs, etc.
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