Things to Do On a Stat Holiday

Oct 12, 2009 10:57

Happy Thanksgiving! 'Tis a holiday up here in Canukistan, which means I don't have to go to schoooool! And thank god, because my apartment is scary gross. I have a list of stuff to do which mainly consists of things like: "clean the bathroom" and "reorganize the kitchen" and "for god's sake, VACCUM!" I love my new kitty dearly, but man. One longhaired cat + one shorthaired cat = little tumbleweeds of hair everywhere.

I also have to practice braille, because it seems that if I don't practice at least an hour a night, I forget the contractions pretty quickly. (Side note to those Braillists on the friendslist *waves at
catwalksalone*: does it just keep getting harder? I'd just mastered the "and for of the with" contractions, and now there's the "ch sh th wh ou st" ones, and it's all very difficult and I kinda want to throw my Perkins brailler through the window).

Anyway, doing the +/- thing, because all the cool kids have embraced it:

+ Had Thanksgiving dinner at my uncle's place last night. His family is doing really well, and we all enjoyed excellent food and good conversation.
scarfe didn't have the greatest time, because as always my uncle and I spent a large portion of the night talking about how screwed up the family is. Which is oddly fun, because it's refreshing to talk about my mom and my aunt and my dad and my brothers with someone who gets it. But I think
scarfe would have had more fun playing Rock Band with my young(er) cousins.

- See above re: cleaning and reorganizing the apartment. I'm coming down with a cold, so mostly I want to curl up in bed, drink hot tea and catch up with you folks. Instead I must repaper shelves and organize soup cans.

+ The huge weight loss trend from the summer continues (40lbs and counting, now) and I've had to start replacing my old wardrobe. It's really strange to shop for clothes as a size 8 instead of a size 14-16. All of a sudden there are so many choices available. I find myself trying on a lot of really terrible outfits just because I can. I also keep grabbing L or XL items from the racks, only to go back for a S or XS. And my old rule about clothes shopping ("If it looks good on the rack, it won't look good on me") no longer holds true. I didn't expect to have to adjust to such a huge paradigm shift when shopping. It's weirdly disorienting, and exhausting.

- Being a starving student, I don't actually have money for new clothes. Bah humbug.

+ There seems to be an embarrassment of riches in my life right now, in terms of RL friends. (see above re: the condition of money-riches).
meresy is now living in the Large Industrial City, just a 40min bike ride away from my front door, and I dearly love her and our Supernatural fangirl screening nights and our debates about theology and other Deep Meaningful Discussions. Being a total party girl with Meresy = awesome. I've also gotten to be friends with a couple of the saner women in my program, and I'm seeing a few of the people I worked with over the summer. In fact, I'm going to Ottawa on the 24th to visit Rylan and Stephanie, two of the blind staff members. Bill (the camp's spring manager) is going to road trip it with me. I like Bill a lot; we went drinking a couple of weekends ago and had a blast. He's quite different when he's not wearing his manager hat, as I suppose most people are.

- I made delicious roobios chai tea, and now it is all drunk up. I must make more!

+ As I said earlier, no schooool today, and so I can have a nap after I finish being a Cinderella!Nos. Mmmm naps.

That is all! Carry about your normal business!

real life adventures, blind leading the...y'know

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