First of all, I'd like to extend a million bajillion birthday hugs to the lovely and amazing
akamine_chan. Everything
secretlybronte said about you over at The Other Place is absolutely true, Aka: you are a terrific human being, and an interesting person that I'd like to know much better. You take care of everyone, and you're the backbone of the fandom and one hell of a writer. I feel very lucky to know you, and I hope you have an awesome birthday!
Secondly, I am still alive! Sort of. Right now my back is killing me, because I did more doing than delegating during the recent Volunteer Work Weekend here at Camp Crystal Lake. (I also cleaned out a LOT of rat poop from our Rec Hall, and discovered a massive mold problem. Awesome).
And I'm not going to tell you about the two volunteers who stole a bunch of food from our kitchen. Who steals food from the blind? Honestly.
Anyway, camp continues to be awesome, and I returned to Large Industrial City on Wednesday to do a presentation about Camp Crystal Lake at the nearby Provincial School for the Blind.
scarfe was there to help me carry heavy stuff, and later that evening I had a
meresy, who is (as usual) awesome and funny and REALLY EXCITED about science! We went to see Star Trek (my third time, her first) and there was some arguing about
temporal mechanics. Note to you guys: please do not listen to
meresy's crazytalk about temporal branching or somesuch nonsense. It's all witchcraft!
Then I slept in (bliss!) and graded the rest of my online class' assignments (horrors!) and drove through THE WORST TRAFFIC JAM IN HISTORY (2.5hrs to clear Toronto. I just.) and now I am back at camp, finishing my laundry and flossing and about to watch the Winchester boys be pretty and tragic. (Season 2, yo. It's rockin').
ds_c6d_bigbang deadline is looming, and I have not managed to actually finish my draft. I hope I shall have some days off next week to work on it. *bites fingernails* I owe a tonne of people email (
j_s_cavalcante!) but that might have to wait until tomorrow.
Also, please tell me you've read
ariastar's fabulous
ds_flashfiction story
The Love Song of Raymond S. Kowalski. I devoured it this morning and adored it muchly. It's a simple post-CotW narrative but every line is perfect, and her Kowalski voice is a thing of beauty. I also really loved the way she offers Fraser some redemption, and the romantic resolution was very satisfying. Fly, fly my pretties! Read! Read!