due South and Politics: Who Do the Boys Vote For?

Mar 18, 2009 17:56

Hey look! I'm home before 7pm for the first time in 12 days! You know how I can tell? Because I'm not still in my office at the college doing endless amounts of graaaaaading. I finished a big stack of stuff today, and then decided to give myself the evening off. Because a fangirl cannot subsist on dull RL work alone ( Read more... )

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meresy March 18 2009, 22:22:29 UTC
Man, you totally did not give enough options for political leanings. Also you didn't include my favourite parties: the No Work Party and the Neo-Rhinos. Jeez. I tend to think Fraser would step further to the left of either Ray -- Canadian socialist for sure, but maybe not in the general sense. I gave him ol' Lester B. anyway, and maaaaaaybe Trudeau, though I'll bet Fraser can't quite get over vaguely disapproving of the antics even if the Charter was a solid move. *g*

I think the Rays both probably vote Democratic, but Vecchio is a little right of centre sometimes and Kowalski's more apathetic, learning only enough at any given time to pick arguments. He maybe inherited a fair amount of sentiment towards unions, though. (I'm betting if he ever had the occasion to vote in Canada he'd probably swing NDP just for this. *g*)

I suspect Ray and Ray could get into roaring fights about it even though they probably don't differ that wildly. :P


nos4a2no9 March 18 2009, 22:28:11 UTC
Heee, yes, I imagine they would! And then they would Make Up after the fights, and all would be well :-)

I'm with you on Fraser. I tried to cover a pretty big swath of PMs (and liberal PMs at that, mostly) to give you some options, but I agree: he's probably either NDP or Green, but my money is on the NDP. And it amuses me to think of Ray out stumping for Jack Layton.

As to Trudeau...well, that's sort of how I feel about him, too. Do you think Fraser would be a Diefenbaker fan, douche moves re: the Fruit Machine aside?


meresy March 18 2009, 22:33:39 UTC
Pierre was just too much of a hooligan to sit right with Fraser, God rest him. But, trying times, and all that. :P

I think Fraser, being a conscientious dork, probably moves his vote around on the left based on a variety of factors. He probably writes a pro-con list every time, and gets all het up about national platforms versus local voting. And then calls up the candidates to ask them complicated questions. And is subsequently asked to stop bothering them and maybe just send letters? Hee.


rchelsea2005 March 18 2009, 23:54:30 UTC
He probably writes a pro-con list every time, and gets all het up about national platforms versus local voting. And then calls up the candidates to ask them complicated questions. And is subsequently asked to stop bothering them and maybe just send letters?



primroseburrows March 18 2009, 23:06:16 UTC
And it amuses me to think of Ray out stumping for Jack Layton.

He'd be okay with stumping for Elizabeth May, though, since there would be the double-whammy of Green Politics and the whole "all women are our sisters" angle. Plus, she's so earnest.


j_s_cavalcante March 18 2009, 22:55:48 UTC
I think the Rays both probably vote Democratic, but Vecchio is a little right of centre sometimes and Kowalski's more apathetic, learning only enough at any given time to pick arguments. He maybe inherited a fair amount of sentiment towards unions, though.

I think you're exactly right, here. Kowalski doesn't trust pols. And I think he'd be very apathetic, except possibly on specific issues, say, gun control or turfing people out, or whatever. He might fluctuate wildly in his voting habits, if he votes.

Also, I think his sympathy toward unions isn't allowed to overcome any personal allegiances he might feel (he assists Fraser in helping Janet whatsername because it's the right thing to do).


meresy March 18 2009, 23:06:29 UTC
Yes, yes. I think RayK can be swayed by feeling quite often, but it's a toss-up as to whether it'll be personal or principle. Can't you just see him opposing a guy just because he thinks he looks shifty or something? Heh. I could see him being particular about legal officials, though, judges and attorneys, but since he has work dealings with them the decisions are easier -- he doesn't have to hit the paper for research. Otherwise he doesn't bother unless, like you said, he's looking at a particular issue.

Ray Vecchio, as in most things, is probably steadier, and maybe set in certain of his ways. Probably complains a lot, though. :P


j_s_cavalcante March 18 2009, 23:26:06 UTC
Hee, yes! I agree with you about both Rays. Very well said. :)

Also, CROTCH! Hee, sorry. Were we talking about SRS ISHUES? My brain just went offline....


rchelsea2005 March 18 2009, 23:55:56 UTC
Can't you just see him opposing a guy just because he thinks he looks shifty or something?

I *can* see that, coming from Mr-Body-Language :P


innocentsmith March 19 2009, 00:37:11 UTC
Oh, absolutely. Or some completely random thing he said or did ten years ago that Kowalski has latched onto and won't let go of.

He has at least a 50% chance of being right about this, of course. But whether he's right or wrong, he's impossible to budge on the subject.


rchelsea2005 March 19 2009, 00:42:09 UTC
Ooohhhh, your icon is...*sigh* Nom nom nom.

Yes! Exactly! He'll get part of it right :P but keep arguing anyway.

*just can't stop picturing him in mall-scene whining about kids in Seeing is Believing*

See? I can't even have serious conversations anymore, the boys just pop in everywhere.


malnpudl March 19 2009, 00:48:54 UTC
Great big DITTO to everything Meres said. Because she is SMART that way. *nodnodnod*


meresy March 19 2009, 19:13:43 UTC
The hivemind is strong with me. :D


(The comment has been removed)

meresy March 19 2009, 19:26:09 UTC
I didn't have any solid opinions about either Ray's favourite President, but that's mostly because I know even less about past US presidents than past Canadian PMs, and I'm lacking there, too.

And I could see that in RayK, too, but I could also see him being totally turned off particular candidates if he doesn't like thier face or position on justice issues. But I think the union alignment works for him.

Fraser bends rules a lot for people, especially when his head's been turned. *g* I think he does a lot of research and doesn't strongly affiliate, or at least doesn't let sentiment inform his vote. He votes conscientiously. Whatever is best for the most people, even if he's not "most people", because of course he's voting absentee. The sense of justice makes him go contrary, though, if he thinks the majority is wrong. But his environmentalist streak and his respect for large Canadian institutions puts him mostly in the left. I think he'd quite like the Green Party.


aethel March 20 2009, 04:47:35 UTC
I think the Rays both probably vote Democratic, but Vecchio is a little right of centre sometimes and Kowalski's more apathetic.

I add to the chorus of "yeays," although I do wonder if I'm just imagining that Vecchio is more conservative because he was maybe raised Catholic (we're assuming?). Not much to go on.


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