due South and Politics: Who Do the Boys Vote For?

Mar 18, 2009 17:56

Hey look! I'm home before 7pm for the first time in 12 days! You know how I can tell? Because I'm not still in my office at the college doing endless amounts of graaaaaading. I finished a big stack of stuff today, and then decided to give myself the evening off. Because a fangirl cannot subsist on dull RL work alone.

So! I thought I'd try my hand at a little bit of meta. I've been thinking lately about the political affiliations of the dS characters, and what (if any) parties or leaders they may have voted for, and why. Since dS didn't really tread into political waters very often, most of this will just be speculation, and maybe an exercise in characterization and what traits we associate with particular political values/beliefs. Anyway. Below the cut there is a poll!

Poll Political Ideology: Not Just For Canadians Anymore

I suspect there will be some good discussion about this in the comments. Or we'll all talk about how there needs to be a Minister of Hotness spot open in the Canadian parliament. (Seriously, bean-eating? What was I thinking?) Or, y'know. Something else.

ETA: rchelsea2005 has done some research, and she's come up with some brief explanations for the Canadian political stuff (and those pesky Prime Ministers) mentioned in the "Who Would Fraser Vote For?" poll, if you're interested.

meta, fannish content, due south stuff

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