Fannish Weekend Grab Bag

Feb 28, 2009 11:18

Oh, man. I think I jinxed myself last week when I posted about how Spring Break at Ye Olde Institute of (Semi)Higher Learning was going to allow me to have all this free time and catch up on long-overdue emails and blah blah blah. Because NO. This week was filled with dentist appointments, quality time with The Boy, more dentist appointments, two hair appointments (because I...have really complicated hair?) and some awesome and very necessary household budgeting. More about that in a sec - for now, fannish stuff.

Because zabira is awesome and andeincascade is very sweet but has rather dubious taste in fic (har har!) there is a new More Joy Day podfic recording of my teensy F/K story In the Wild. Z, as always, did a fabulous job on the reading, and the story really came alive in her hands. (I do admit that I giggled when Z read the line, "smoked their meat." Thank you, cysefin!)

Also, ficfinishing continues to yield greatness: we've got new due South stories on the horizon from prudence_dearly, china_shop, luzula, mondschein1 and mizface, and the fics promise to be long and awesome. I do love ficfinishing: it provides exactly the right kind of kick in the ass to finish a story that we author-types need, and the community was incredibly supportive. innocentsmith served as a first reader and beta on my looooong F/K story, and she did an amazing job. I really couldn't have completed the story without her encouragement. Anyway, if you've got a languishing WIP that you just can't seem to complete, I'd recommend that you sign up for the next round. It's a great system.

And hey, don't forget about the rapid fire challenge happening over at ds_snippets. Tonnes of wonderful little gems have already been posted, and more are going up every 24 hours. Check it out, and witness the distilled brilliance of the snippet form.

ETA: I just saw vsee's update on the dS/C6D Rec-A-Thon, and it looks like 35 people contributed recs. vsee went and donated $50 to her local Humane Society. I'm going to match that with a $50 donation to the Canadian SPCA, and a few others were planning to donate the same amount to their local animal shelter. Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Rec-A-Thon! You've helped a very worthy cause.

Okay: next post is going to be about money matters. Stay tuned!

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