Outlander Adaptation - Movie News

Feb 07, 2009 10:30

Sorry to spam, but zabira, sageness and qe2, I thought this might be of interest. I just found Diana Gabaldon's blog. For those of you who've been living under a rock, as I was until about three months ago when I started to mainline the Outlander novels, Gabaldon is the writer of a series of long, plotty and incredibly detailed historical romances that span a thirty year period from 1740s Scotland to revolutionary America. The novels involve time travel, twe wuve, more historical detail than you can shake a stick at (she's particularly good at incorporating period medical detail and local folklore into her stories) and the books are, for the most part, a pretty damn good read.

Gabaldon's blog is worth a look, and it's available as a LJ RSS feed. It's useful for us writerly types, as sometimes she posts entries about the publishing industry, her writing process, and how she deals with issues like plot and characterization. (Check out her latest post for a peak at the US cover proof for Echo in the Bone. Which features something that looks distinctly like a chicken's foot).

Anyway, the big news from waaaay back in November is that Gabaldon has sold the film rights to Essential Productions, and Randall Wallace (writer of Braveheart) is working on the script. [Gabaldon on the challenge of adapting a novel and/or series as long, sprawling and complex as Outlander: "Which forty pages do you want to see?"]

It sounds like pre-production is moving along, and that we could expect an Outlander film version in a couple of years. dramaturgy has put together a casting picspam that I thought was pretty interesting. Her suggestion for who should play Claire and some of the secondary characters was particularly inspired, I thought, although I wasn't at all familiar with her choice for Jamie.

Anyway, yay for a possible Outlander movie!

film meta of a kind

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