Birthday Wishes Followed Closely By Whining. Film at Eleven.

May 10, 2008 11:12

Happy birthday to luzula, chronicler of Fraser family history, reporter of dog sled highjinks and a gal who just so happens to be my very favourite Swedish botanist. I hope you're enjoying your big day, L, and I am really looking forward to meeting you in person in August! (Fingers crossed!) I mean, what's better than in-person birthday hugs? For now, virtual hugs must suffice! *hugs and hugs*

It's like trench warfare here at Ye Olde Transit Centre! The complaints have been pouring in about everything from the bus drivers to route scheduling to (and I shit you not) the fact that the bus shelters don't have coat hangers. And why, for the love of god, would you expect a bus shelter to have a coat rack? Why would you want it to?

This kind of day wears me down fast. I'm not good at dealing with negative emotions, particularly when other people just want to use me as a handy place to dump their frustration and dissatisfaction with the way municipal services are run in this Large Industrial City. And I get that people just want someone to yell at. But why they gotta be so meeeeean about it, y'know?

I also had to tell this total asshole on the phone not to call me "sweetheart" after he did it five or six times (while insisting the northbound bus he wanted was actually going west. Um, no. I can read a headway sheet, thank you kindly). He was incredibly offended to learn that I didn't take "sweetheart" as a compliment. I told him I was a professional, I was an adult, and I didn't appreciate a complete stranger using a demeaning nickname when addressing a representative of the city. His inspired response? "Fucking bitch!" and a hangup. Awesomesauce. That kind of thing can leave me in a mood all afternoon. I'm not a shrinking violet, I've got perspective on where this kind of behaviour comes from, and I don't take it personally. At least, not after I've calmed down. But it's still upsetting and makes for a very long day.

And I'm streaming episodes of Dexter, which may not be helping. Remember, kids, murder is always bad!

There will be an info post on Monday about can_con2008: attendance cap, cost of hotel rooms and (if I hear back from the caterer in time) a projected con fee. Which will be cheap. For I am cheap, as is the rest of Team Action. (Except our jumpsuits. Those are wicked fucking classy, and therefore expensive). Anyway, happy Saturday to all of you out there in radioland. And once again, happy birthday luzula! I'm sorry I contaminated things with customer service whining.

Just remember, if your small dog pissed on the bus seat and the driver asked you to step off, don't call me. Call someone else. Anyone else.

i need a real job, birthday wishes, can_con2008

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