excellent post on writing sex for
ds_workshop brought up an interesting point, one that I've been mulling over for the past few days. In the comments to Bel's post,
china_shop linked to
Smut Rants, and one entry in particular caught my eye. Resonant was writing about her
smut pet peeves and said:
"A first-time story is a particular kind of pleasure. A
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Thanks for your thoughts on this!
Obviously you can have awesome little domestic snippets about the boys growing old together, and that's wonderful, but if you have an actual non-snippety fic with a plot, you're going to need some tension to keep anyone interested. I think the essential difference in ERs and FTs are where that tension comes from, and what it actually is.
Well said! I think that's probably why this discussion is ultimately redundant :-) It comes down to individual stories, and those choices and decisions their authors made during the construction stage. I don't think one form is easier to write or inherently has more tension, because (as you point out) it's where that tension comes from and how it's handled that matters. And now my brain hurts *g* And thanks for the kind words about that story!
And you're welcome! I think I downloaded it is a podfic and listened to it while walking to and from the station on a cold December evening. I was hanging around in the street, looking at the stars and willing them to work before I went inside!
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