Happy birthday TROYSWANN!

Feb 16, 2008 07:37

Hey guys, do you know what day it is?

Hutch wasn't aware either, the big dummy:

This would normally be the part of the birthday wish where I segue into a scorching bit of porn, but I don't really know enough about Torchwood to do Jack/Ianto justice. (Seriously, I had to look up Gwen's name). And troyswann is one of those creative, imaginative types who can probably come up with a better scenario than I could, so...Jack/Ianto kisses. There! Raw materials, kids! Make with the mental imagery!

troyswann is one of my favourite writers in due South, and she's someone I liked and admired even before our paths crossed in fannish circles. Although our past acquaintance cements the stereotype that, yep, all Canadians (even ones living on opposite sides of this massive country) know each other, I'm glad we've had a chance to reconnect and socialize on LJ. Sal's posts are funny and weird and kooky, her writing makes me think Deep Thoughts, she's an incredible artist, her brain is very shiny, and she's a very kind and thoughtful person. She's pretty great, in other words.

Now that I've made her go all red and blushy, I'll close by saying, "Have a great birthday, Sal! Eat much in the way of cake, drink much in the way of wine, and enjoy the celebration of your awesomeness!"

fangirl fun, birthday wishes, love meme

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