Writing Meme

Jan 24, 2008 17:20

There's a new writing meme floating around, and it's basically a quick-and-dirty rundown of the way you (as a writer) approach a handful of issues. I had another marathon morning of productivity (another 6,000 words! w00t!) and I thought it might be a good time to take a look at my own approaches, quirks, and squicks.

The meme was gakked from arrow00, ( Read more... )

meme madness

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kill_claudio January 25 2008, 01:45:53 UTC
Nos, I'd never realised it until you articulated it, but your comment about writers block? That's exactly what happens to me. I mean, writing is sometimes more difficult than at other times, but the really awful bit is the occasional crippling boredom, and the sense of 'this is so dull I'm not sure why I'm even bothering'.

I think it was Roald Dahl who said that a writer has to be his (sic) own worst critic, nit-picking at all the little faults, but also has to have the confidence in his abilities to be able to say 'yes, staring at this blank piece of paper for two hours is a good use of my time'.

Usually I just keep writing and hope it will go away, but I'm having this weird experience with a story I'm trying to write at the moment, where I think I know what I want to say and then as soon as I sit down in front of the computer it vanishes. Like being able to see something from the corner of your eye and not straight on? *kicks story*

I'm always amazed at how you write so prolifically and yet it's all of such high quality - you make it all look so easy! ;-)


nos4a2no9 January 25 2008, 04:01:43 UTC
Wow, is it ever good to hear other people experience that same crippling-boredom problem! *clings to you in solidarity* It's awful, isn't it? And I find it impossible to combat except waiting it out, which is bad news if I'm on deadline or I want to make progress on a big fic. Have you found any successful coping strategies?

And dude, I am with you on the "magically disappearing story" problem. I think it's a sign that you're creating good art: it's supposed to be elusive, right? *kicks story too, just for good measure* If you'd like to bounce around some ideas and nail the sucker down, I'd love to hear from you!

And heh, easy it's not. I just wrote a 7,000 word story today, but the editing and beta work is going to take weeks. *weeps* I either write slowly and well, or fast and shitty. There's no happy medium.

My life is so complex, KC! *clings again*


kill_claudio January 25 2008, 19:04:05 UTC
*clings right back* I find sometimes it helps to read things I've written in the past and try and remind myself that actually, sometimes I am a good writer. Just read all the well-deserved comments you got for the wonderful Wings of Desire, that should be inspirational!

Besides, if you can write 7000 words in a day, you have NOTHING to worry about. (I wrote 70. And then I deleted some of them. Which means the sum total of everything I wrote today is; "You think too highly, Darcy, and you always have, of the all-redeeming power of love." *weeps*) If you need another beta, I always love getting a sneak preview of your stories, although you probably have enough already.


nos4a2no9 January 26 2008, 02:31:26 UTC
Heh, I think your sentence demonstrates a lot of progress. 70 words ain't nothin'!

And thank you very kindly for your beta offer! I'd love to work with you very much, and if you'd like to send me something anytime, please feel free. Yay for beta exchange!


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