Why do you do the 'flu do that you do so well?

Nov 08, 2007 12:14

Ugh. I think the Rimming Gods are angry with me, or possibly I'm being punished for composing porn while teaching an ethics class. I got a 'flu shot on Monday and now it's come back to bite me: I'm nauseous, achy, and I can't quite manage to sit up for very long. I've cancelled my afternoon class and I've got a couch day planned, which means I'll be watching several episodes of due South* and maybe Brokeback Mountain, because that is my comfort movie. And yes, I am a sick, sick woman. Hopefully I'll be back to my normal healthy self soon. If I send anyone a flu-addled email full of disjointed sentences, digressions and parenthetical statements (more than usual, I mean, and good luck telling the difference) I hope you'll understand.

Gah. Why can't it be muscle soreness OR a headache? Why does it have to be both?

Oh! And while I'm in the midst of my couch day, can anyone upload Rebbecca Jenkins' "Something's Coming" from the Wilby Wonderful soundtrack? I had a couple of different copies and misunderstood the way iTunes's doubles-deletion thing works. Also (and I'm not asking for an upload here, Pirates R' Us) has anyone bought the new Bruce Springsteen album? I kinda have a deep and abiding love for the Bruce, and I'm curious about this new one. How is it? Should I put in a request to Santa for a copy this holiday season?

*Re: due South episodes. I'm in a S1/S2-ish mood, so how about "Manhunt", "Bird in the Hand" and "All the Queen's Horses"? Is that random enough to satisfy everyone?

consulting the experts, the internet is my magic 8-ball, energy-sucking cold of doooom

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