More RL Fangirl Visits! And what I do for my art...

Jul 28, 2007 08:06

Guys, omphale23 and primroseburrows are going to be sitting on my couch drinking pina coladas in roughly ten hours! Isn't that fabulous? We are going to watch dS and eat lemon chicken and get drunk and I will learn many things from two fangirls who are much, much smarter than I am. Also we will wear pajamas! Thankfully I am fully recovered from my Cold of Doom and so I will be able to participate fully in the squee. Many thanks to those of you who provided picspam and anecdotes and receipes involving ginger and/or honey. I fully attribute my speedy recovery to the intervention of fangirls.

So, you all know I'm writing a ginormous 30,000+ words AU in which Fraser is a rentboy, right? And you're probably sick and tired of me mentioning it, since it's been a WIP for about a year and I post every few weeks saying things like, "It's hard!" and "Do not want!" I mention it today because in addition to the difficult and demanding research such a story requires, I've also been reading a lot of rentboy!fic from other fandoms. Many of these stories serve as cautionary tales. As jamethiel_bane pointed out in her great meta post on the subject, when these stories go wrong they go very, very wrong. Today bubbleforrest recc'ed a popslash AU on crackvan that involves slavery and prostitution. So I am now reading bandslash. For my ART. It's just like watching Slap Shot 2 or spending all day downloading that one episode of Smallville that Callum appeared in. For the ART.

Anyway, justifications aside, Slave to Love (what a promising title!) is Backstreet Boys bandslash. Or perhaps the boys are from N'Sync. Whichever one Lance Bass was in. *flails* I am so totally out of touch with my generation.

I'm just posting to say, "Hi, I'm reading bandslash but I am NOT being sucked into the whirling vortex that is Pete Wentz's cock." I leave that for omphale23 to accomplish tonight, what with her insane vampire videos and her promises of eyeliner and glitter and pretty boys kissing onstage. Hopefully primroseburrows will save me from this nonsense and talk to me about Fraser and Stan Rogers and her deep and abiding love for Canada.

Speaking of which, I posted a little somethin' somethin' about living in northern Canada for the ds_workshop series on craft and writing post-CotW stories. If anyone would like to mosey on over there and ask me questions to include in a subsequent post I'd be greatful. I talked about the economy, the culture and RCMP policing practices in that first post, and then sageness asked about sex shops and where Fraser and Ray would buy their naughty toys. So clearly I need someone to point me in the right direction. What would you people like to know? Ask away, and what I can't answer I'll research. When I'm not reading about JC Chavez chained and awaiting sale in a slave market, that is.

rl fangirl meetups, rentboy au of doom

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