I woke up to find this email message from my dad sitting in my inbox:
thanks for the email. you are the only one that cares. i promise i will not abuse this and email you every day or twice a day, how pathetic would that be.
love and hugs, your pathetic daddy.
ps. will try to send you a few costa rica pictures soon when i can figure out how to do all that stuff.
ps again: [Your brother] showed me your face page thing. better not see too many pictures of drunk lexi on that. you are never too old for a family beating. haha
Oh Dad. He just got a new computer and he's pulling the classic parental trick of learning how to send email by torturing his children. I think "you are the only one that cares" references the fact that my brothers didn't call him on Father's Day. In their defence, he often forgets their birthdays and only remembers mine because it falls two days before his. The "face page" thing is, obviously, my FaceBook, which I use for non-fannish RL purposes. I have no idea what the "family beating" thing is about. This is my dad, ladies and gentlemen. He's a little bizarre. And I think the concept of capitalization escapes him.
I bought some ear plugs, a diving cap and a pair of goggles for swimming, and now I am totally prepared to tackle the outdoor pool again. Except it's chilly today (17 degrees Celsius) and I can't go for a swim until it warms up. I have this thing about being cold, and my wimpiness when it comes to less-than-ideal-temp water is a source of much amusement to
scarfe. When his parents took us on a trip up the coast of Vancouver Island a couple summers ago I refused to swim in the ocean because it was cold. And usually I'm so physically fearless.
j_s_cavalcante has just sent me the completed draft to her amazing F/K/Frannie (sorta) story "Makeup" and I am about to spend a very happy day beta'ing it. And then have high tea with some of my grad school girlfriends because we're wacky like that. This very pleasant day will hopefully make up for the disaster of yesterday, in which my students proved themselves unable to follow basic directions re: their latest assignment, and inspired stab-stab-stab rage in yours truly. Oh, students. You fail at life. I'm going to go drown my sorrows in beta'ing.