On the care and feeding of dS fic, and some thoughts on 6-degrees media

Dec 11, 2006 20:40

The ds_seekritsanta stories are coming due alarmingly soon, and I really need to get my butt in gear and edit that beast before posting. But why does that story seem like such a chore? All I want to do is work on my other stories - rentboy!Fraser is coming along nicely, and the Ice Palace AU for kapurna and shoemaster continues to inspire. Also the inuvikdotcom fic is percolating, and since I only manage to write for about an hour or a half-hour per day, well, I must be wise in what time I devote to which project. I have beta duties, of course, but that seems to get pushed to the side when the muse strikes (sorry jamethiel_bane, I've been neglecting your stuff! I am worse than spiders!)

Today seems to have been a real red-letter day for great dS fic. It's been quiet the last few weeks but troyswann absolutely knocked my socks off with Imprint (for the ds_flashfiction's diary challenge) and then bertybertle went and did the same with For the Man Who Has Everything. I've been mainlining Christmas-themed stories (since I'm writing a Wilby Wonderful fic for a certain special someone) but they all seemed to be set around "Good for the Soul" and now all those fics are a jumbled mess in my head.

Yesterday scarfe and I spent our day off together watching 6-degrees stuff. Men with Brooms was wildly uneven, wacky, and I didn't end up watching all of it. Parts were inspired, and other parts made me want to bleach my brain. (Um, the cow thing? The jokes about infertility? WHY?) I've decided that Paul Gross is probably a much better actor than a writer, and from now on I think I'll stick to watching things that haven't got his name splashed all over the opening credits. (That written/produced by/directed/starring/scored thing was a bit much). We both though H20 was hilarious - I couldn't get over the fact that the "tragic canoe accident" in the opening of the film was designed as a Canadian echo of Kennedy's death. And really..."tragic canoe accident" is just a funny idea. Especially because of how dramatic! it was, and how that one aide collapsed into a weeping mess. scarfe high-fived me when Dean McDermott appeared as the PM's bodyguard, and later we laughed when it needed to be explained that CKR's CSIS agent is known as a "freak" rather than a "spook" because our secret agents don't have a well-recognized nickname. For all I know, Gross et. al. could have made it up, and that amused me to no end. We are such a lame country in so many ways.

Still, I liked the first part of H20, and I didn't see the big twist coming. I'm not sure when I'll watch the second part, but hopefully it'll be as diverting as the first. I also made scarfe watch Hard Core Logo, which he liked quite a bit, and he screened a couple of episodes of "Slings and Arrows" by himself. It's not quite as good as watching with a fellow fangirl, but scarfe holds his own. I kept wanting to recommend he read katallison's amazing HCL fic Xeriscape but then I remembered that, no, he doesn't do that, even though it's not a slash fic. And it's a tragedy! Because he'd love it! Silly boys.

ETA: scarfe insists that I retract my last statement. He says he would and will read anything I recommend, "unless it's too long." *sigh* Sorry, Kat. You must either write shorter stories, or recognize that the attention span of 23 year-old straight guys leaves something to be desired :-)

6degrees, writing stuff, fanfiction, due south stuff, fanfic

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