Really terrible news

Jun 28, 2013 22:13

I haven't seen any posts about this and I think people who knew her would want to know. Last month
ciaan posted that she had been diagnosed with cancer, and she had the comments turned off so I assumed she didn't want to be deluged with emails, so I sent her a card [we had exchanged holiday cards once, so I had her address, though not her actual name]. Today I got this letter in the mail:

Dear Nora,

ciaan really enjoyed your card. I am sorry to tell you that she died in the hospital on June 25 with her parents at her side. She was only sick for a couple of months--long enough to know how many people loved her. If there are mutual friends who may not have heard about her illness and death, please let them know.

[Her mom]

I'm afraid I don't have any other information to share about memorials or where to send condolences--if anyone does, please leave a comment and I will edit this post so people know.

Edited to add:
morgandawn started a stub for her on fanlore; it's here if people want to share memories.

Edited again to add: The memorial to her from the
sv_ledger is here, and some posts by friends of hers responding to her death are available here and here and here.

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personal, grief

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