Yay! 200 episodes! And episodes like this are why I have kept watching for the past ten years.
I don't actually have a lot to say, other than I loved it. Well, maybe I can make a list of things I specifically loved:
1. Present Clark encountering future Clark. That was a great scene, and future Clark was totally dorkaliciously sexy while simultaneously possessing that Superman gravitas.
2. ALL of the Clark/Lois stuff, from Lois trying to lift his spirits via reunion, to future Lois being absolutely amazing with past Clark, to that dance in the barn with bonus floating action. I'm not gonna lie, I got a little verklempt at that.
3. The Lana and Chloe flashbacks. I was thinking it was going to be very weird for Clark to be back at the high school without them, so I was so happy to see them, even if via flashback. And wow, did I ever get a wave of nostalgia for season one.
4. The TORCH REPORTERS! How completely cute, that Chloe has a whole new generation carrying on in her footsteps! And I loved that she texted them at the end.
5. Clark in that crown--OMG, the look on his face made me laugh and laugh.
6. I am actually pretty pleased that this whole "darkness in Clark" BS turns out to be his own guilt and overdeveloped sense of responsibility. I was glad he got to see how his dad actually died, and the combination of the flashback to the funeral and then his conversation at the graveside at the end really made me cry.
7. I still don't know if I agree with Oliver's decision to come out, but I did love how he pwned that reporter once Clark showed up to boost his confidence.
8. OMG, I really loved Bug Boy coming to thank Clark. That was another thing in this episode that made me a little verklempt.
9. I was ROFL at that one classmate who was being so admiring of Lana mentioning her running a coffee shop in high school, because how often did we all criticize that concept? Hee.