Smallville, Shield

Oct 01, 2010 22:04

Despite a couple things that puzzled me, I really liked it.

Before I get to the review proper, just a general policy: I no longer talk about Chloe in my reviews, because I have no interest whatsoever in having Chloe wars go on in my journal, so I would ask you to respect that and not bring her up in your comments. Thanks.

Things I liked:

1. "Cat Grant." I thought she was absolutely charming despite her hate-on for vigilantes--and honestly many of her arguments made a lot of sense and are clearly going to drive Clark into the light, so they didn't bother me too much. Though it amuses me how strong they're making the political allegory.

I also loved how tough Cat was--she never stopped fighting. I hope we're going to see more of her. I want to find out more about her abusive ex, because I have a suspicion he is at least meteor-affected.

2. Clark made me SO happy tonight in his repeated statements that Lois made her own decision to go to Africa and he needed to respect that. I love how he treats the women in his life as adults capable of their own decisions.

3. Also Clark was really adorable in all his interactions with Cat. I loved how he kept finding ways to deflect her hero-hate without directly arguing, especially the scene where he pointed out the parallels between her situation and that of the vigilantes.

4. I like Tess being supportive of Clark, even though it felt kind of strange.

5. This new gang of supervillains is very, very intriguing.

Things that confused me:

1. Does Lois know who Hawkman is? I was confused about how they were so chatty about Clark so quickly (especially since it took me quite a while to realize that was Hawkman. Yeah, my memory of previous seasons is not the best these days).

2. Is Shayera actually working with the supervillains, or was I just confusing dark-haired women we only saw briefly?

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