--Katie Cassidy is about 100 times hotter with dark hair than she was as a blonde. And, frankly, a better actor than I thought she was when she was playing Ruby.
--Christopher Gorham and Elaine Cassidy are also quite easy on the eyes and I'm finding their characters enjoyable to watch. I assume they're going to be the last 2 standing and end up hooking up, though only my history of watching genre television leads me to this prediction, not any spoilers.
--This is a pretty, pretty cast, isn't it? And seems to include just about every Vancouver-based actor ever. I mean, in addition to Katie Cassidy and Jim Beaver and Richard Burgi, I had no idea, for example, that Gina Holden (who I LOVE) was in this. Of course, she always seems to be killed off in everything I like her in (Patricia Swann, I still wish they hadn't killed you off), and she has the creepy daughter who's seeing ghosts, so I predict she'll only last a couple episodes at best.
--I was beginning to think that we weren't even going to get to see Jim Beaver in this episode (and he's the main reason I tuned in), though I'm glad he finally showed up. Though OUCH, that was a painful scene with his daughter.
--I guessed that Harry Hamlin's character was going to buy it this epsiode just because he's probably the most expensive actor in the cast (other than Chris Gorham, who is obviously the lead).
--I'm not tremendously interested in the murder plot at the moment, but the scenery is lovely and the characters are interesting enough that I'll at least tune in next week. My Thursday nights are already pretty crowded, though; it's going to have to really hook me for me to keep watching when SV, SPN and Greys come back.