Who the hell made this lovely movie ?!
This is from a Japanese movie website "
NIKO NIKO DOUGA DOU"(Japanese only), one of the variations of topic movie "calamelldansen" in Japan.
Unfortunately you need to log in to view it. So I created screen shots.
The story seems like this;
Last year, a swedish pop song by "caramell" was remixed for an opening of a PC game.
And it's posted to YouTube so that became well-known in Japan.
And this year, someone created dancing movies using actual anime characters in handwriting-touch style with the same music and posted to the Japanese movie web site above and it's broked.
There's even Eroica version!!! Thank you!
The movie is just for 25sec.
... Does anyone know more about "caramell"?
EDIT1: Thanks to
tubbsen for the info, there's English instructions to sign up to "NIKO NIKO DOUGA DO":
here. EDIT2: Thanks to
may_onaka, the movie is now available at
YouTube here. (the best thing is to embed it here but this post already has big images, so I place a link to the movie)
Even in a simple hand-writing style, It captures characteristics of Klaus and Dorian well-- Klaus is slightly bigger than
Dorian, frowning and somking. While Dorian is pressing his knees together, Klaus is bandy-legged.
The attention seeker Lawrence sometimes blows in.
The letters flowing over the movie are urers' reviewing comment.
It says something like this;
"Heh", "I love you- I don't want this movie deleted", "You pervert!",
"My rear is not for looking at!", "What a joke, huh?"
"Wonderful! I want to watch more!", "Go to Alaska!" , "Hey, This isn't something, is it?"
As a reference, below is the other versions. The BGM is all the same as Eroica version.
Klaus and Dorian is dancing with this music.
Click to view
Click to view
Click to view
Click to view
For more other (original?) calamelldansen at YouTube;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UX6e7sO1ss0&feature=related Watch Klaus and Dorian dancing at;
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2303618(you need to creat an account to view the movies)