Ooh, fusion.

Mar 11, 2010 17:49

Just seen this meme from Star:

When you see this, post a poem in your journal, if you haven't already.

...and a post about Adam and Eve from oxymoron0_o. And I got a little buzz and decided to post my favourite poem of recent weeks, which combines the two nicely. Plus it's by Robert Frost which is always awesome. Tis called Never Again Would Birds' Song be the Same; and as it's only a sonnet I'm posting the whole thing on here not under a cut. You can cope with 14 lines, people. Plus it's about women being awesome, so hooray.

He would declare and could himself believe
That the birds there in all the garden round
From having heard the daylong voice of Eve
Had added to their own an oversound,
Her tone of meaning but without the words.
Admittedly an eloquence so soft
Could only have had an influence on birds
When call or laughter carried it aloft.
Be that as may be, she was in their song.
Moreover her voice upon their voices crossed
Had now persisted in the woods so long
That probably it never would be lost.
Never again would birds' song be the same.
And to do that to birds was why she came.

Love it.

In other news... doctoring continues. I'm going to Portsmouth next year fo' shiz. I'm going onto nights tomorrow so don't feel inspired by the joys of spring to share with the group any further ramblings upon the theme of doctoring. I daresay I shall, anon. Not tonight, my Josephines.
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