
Feb 01, 2005 21:47

I feel that this conversation is worth mention:

roach 2600: I'm still pining for... umm...
roach 2600: yeah, that's a good question
Hypatia ked: pine trees are nice
roach 2600: you sap!
roach 2600: I think I may get pitched from the conversation for this
roach 2600: Or tarred and feathered
roach 2600: My jokes seam syrupy sweet
Hypatia ked: maybe you needle little help with your puns
Hypatia ked: or perhaps you're just barking up the wrong tree
roach 2600: I think you'r barking up the wrong tree
roach 2600: OH SHIT
Hypatia ked: hahaha
roach 2600: too late
roach 2600: I lose.
roach 2600: Though same time thoughts
Hypatia ked: victory!
roach 2600: Your jokes are deciduously better than mine
Hypatia ked: what you need to do is get to the root of the problem
Hypatia ked: maybe branch out a little
roach 2600: I can't think of an appropriate soft wood joke
roach 2600: Leaf me alone
roach 2600: You're running rings around me
Hypatia ked: nah, you're definitely limbering up now
roach 2600: Lumbering up?
Hypatia ked: limb-ering
roach 2600: I think I'm getting board of these jokes
roach 2600: yours seem old, like dead wood
Hypatia ked: why do you always try to go against the grain?
roach 2600: I get my jokes from splinter cells
Hypatia ked: that's knot funny.
roach 2600: wood you give me a break?
roach 2600: I think these jokes are going to make me twig out
roach 2600: maybe snap a little
Hypatia ked: oakay
roach 2600: didn't you say you have too much work to do?
roach 2600: you nut.
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