Nov 10, 2004 19:19
So last night Ben, Dan, Lindsey, Gabe and I had a go at the Anna Liffey's quiz night as "Group Therapy". The best team name by far was "Happy Jihad's One Way Truck Rentals". I also liked "A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama".
Quiz questions ranged from easy to dastardly trivia (photo IDs were particularly hard. How many of you would recognize Leonard Cohen on sight? Not any of us, that's for sure). Now I know it was Weezer who performed the cover of Simon & Garfunkel's "Mrs. Robinson", and that George W Bush does not own a pet named Bozo (he does, however, own pets named Barney, India and Spotty). We got two questions right in the last round for double "pints", finishing with a final score of 46 (out of a possible 70). The winning team had 63.
November 16th will be ours. OURS, I say!
Also, if any of you are trivia-minded you'd be more than welcome to come :)