So sad...

May 02, 2005 19:47

Well my mom called and guess what.... Our dog has to be put to sleep tomorrow. Apparently, she has cancer, and it is killing her quickly. Her feet have been swelling, and she has been bathrooming herself lately. It is sad. Thankfully, I know she will be going to a better place, and at least by putting her to sleep tomorrow, it will be over and done with before she gets in any more pain. It tears me up- I love Taffy Belle. Damnit, crying sucks! :( But I can't help it. She is the one dog I will remember most, and I will love her always. I think what upsets me most is hearing my mom tell me about it; you can just hear the sadness in her voice. And I can't STAND to hear her cry. It upsets me too much. Looks like I will have to listen to a cd and hopefully remember the good times, and know that there is a place for her in heaven (maybe not for me, but at least for her)! Damn life sucks! You live, you die. The end. What is the point?

Work was just a blast today. I got a verbal warning for missing too much work within 90 days. Oh whatever! My "points" will be gone by the end of the month, so all I have to do is hang in until then. GOOD LUCK! LOL At least my boss lady was nice about giving it to me; hell, she even missed a day that should have been on there! LOL HA! FUCK EM THEN!

I am going to give up cd's after I am done with this pack tonight, and I am going to beer for a while. I think it's safer, and at least if I get tested, they'll just see beer. LOL My job isn't worth losing over catching a buzz!

So I guess that's all for now. Gotta take a shower. I hope I don't cry anymore... if my mascara starts running after I get ready, I will be pissed! :)

I love you Taffy Belle! You will always be in my prayers.
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