3 weeks and three days till I leave. I'm having my going away party a week before I go and then Em has her going away party the next day. So many people leaving, it's kinda crazy.
I grew balls on Saturday evening and began my packing. I have my basic items for winter + horse riding gear + Snowboarding boots. I'll pack my summer gear a day or so before I fly out. I fly on Friday morning on the 9th of June. I'm excited to be going back to the place I grew up every summer and then having the chance to actually live there. Yet, I'm totally shitting myself. I'm anxious, sad... and whilst I'm excited... I'm trying so hard not to think about it because it's beginning to hurt - to know I'm leaving so many people I love. I told Em tonight that I'm leaving till next year. There's a few cherished people I won't see for at least a year once I go. THAT hurts. But at least Em will be in Melbourne, I can fly down and see her. I want to write and write and write about all of these things I'm feeling all at once, I want to get down everyone of my thoughts about this trip of mine, this move... but because it's so surreal, I don't even know where to start!
On another note: I went to watch Tom's band practice on Saturday for a couple of hours. They weren't bad at all. Not my choice in musical genre, but they love it and they're decent at it (Heavy Metal) so all the more power to them.
14 more days of work then I'm freeeeeee and I so can't wait. I don't hate my job, I've grown to re-like it... but it's the same thing everyday. I'm also aching for Season 2 of House to come out on DVD. Looks like I'll just have to purchase it when I get to camp... hopefully it'll be out then... at least by August surely!