Feb 24, 2004 09:32
So... I held a meeting on Tuesday morning for all the office drones.
Specifically regarding our new payroll schedule/timesheets but on a side note I wanted to make clear our policy of people installing software on the office systems. I made it, so I thought, rather clear that people were to always be rather wary of anything such as screensavers or attachments in emails. I was rather brief but made it extremely clear.
The boss then stepped in and backed it up with a very sound "Anyone who is caught installing anything that they haven't run through the I.T. department will be terminated immediately. These systems aren't toys. Work related items only."
How long would you wait until you started installing crap on your system after the boss just told you you'd get fired over it?
1 month?
2 months?
How about 2 fuckin days...
Should make for an interesting afternoon.