Oct 13, 2004 20:08
Hey people today was P.s.a.t...yeah it sucked....totally. The reading portion of the test was all right, but the math kicked me square im the balls, what was funny was that my stomach begin to growl it was one of those loud growls..pablo who was siting next to me noticed and passed a i think it was a breakfast bar.
Today Japocu was a mess...the newbies talk to much, half of the old members dont pay attention...just gives me a head ache...i also saw Erin get mad, thats abnormal becuase shes always smiling now you know that somthing is terribly wrong.
Lastest news is that Genisis and i are over..i saw it coming because she completely ignored me for a couple of days. What happened was that her x from last year came back to her...and she loves em no matter what, she'd do anythin for that guy. Am i upset?....hell yeah...my stomach hurts just thinkin about it but im gonna try not to think about it...so i wont get a nose bleed or sumthin. I ask then why did she bother to be with me, she said its becuase im a really nice person and she thought she was gonna start fresh with me, but she really, really, really likes this guy and shes not gonna break another chance...i just shook my head and walked away, she called after me but i was too pissed....tell me this people...should i be pissed right now?
im going to lay down now...