WC 2011 Storytime, Part One!

Mar 09, 2011 15:56

Yes, a bit later than I expected. But my computer screen's giving me a fuckload of trouble at the moment and I have to wait until the end of the week to get it properly fixed. Hence, it tends to go into random spazz fits if I don't keep the screen perfectly still and so it's just...argh. Hard to do ANYTHING on it. Luckily, the first chapter is relatively short compared to the rest. Let's get's started, shall we?

So first, we start out with an intro, showing different characters and such and such and such.


Hi, local dickbag gangster mafia leaders! :D

Omgggg Team Unicorn and pre-Unicorn Breo! :D It's the opening of dickbags!

Hi there Sherry and some random person that I don't know. I think you're that guy with the ridiculous lion helmet. Either way, we're not gonna be seeing you for a while.



I-I mean

...Joseeeee, kyaah kyaaaaaaah~<3!

Oh, stop being whiny, Placido. XD

Oh yeah, you're one to talk about being relaxed, Lucciano. 9_9





oh okay so this is nothing new HARD WORK BEATS DESTINY LOLOLOLOLOL



Mmm, MC~<3. It's nice hearing you call my name~.


I-wha-. Who dis old geezer.


N-no I wasn't having inappropriate dreams about the MC I-I mean...uh...

Yeah! Sure I was! :D Turbo Dueling, right! :3a

D-Don't say that. ;^;

Anyways, this pessimistic dream-ruinin' bastard of an old man is Klaus, and he's the main character's grandpa. He's also the only parental figure they have, as both the parents are dead. The reasons will be explored in a later chapter.

Klaus proceeds to tell you that he's gotta go work in the mines now, since they gotta extract Dyne from it to make D-Wheels. It's one of the few ways to make a living in a hick town like this. He then leaves the house, not before letting you know that your deck is on the table and that a real duelist would keep their deck on them at all times. Arse.

By the way, this is what my character looks like. When you start out the game, you start out with the default Revolver Disk and Cowboy/girl style of clothes. Which, imo, are so awesome that I don't even bother changing out of them. Haha. Also this is the first game where you actually get to change the skin tone of your character probably because they're a hick from Crashtown whoopie so this is also the first time I'm playing as a character that remotely looks like me. SHALLOW FOREVER! You might also notice that I'm not using a "STARTER DECK" like in the previous games, this is because I'm playing through new game plus mode. You get to redo the storyline, while keeping the cards and items you acquired in the first playthrough. Fun stuff, huh? Instead, I get to plow through with the cheapass Lightsworns. Because I like Lightsworns. They're purdy. I have no clue why everyone in chat expected me to run a Blackfeather deck, seriously. I might have done an Ice Barrier deck if I could have gotten the cards for it...

ANYWAYS. So, with nothing else to do in this tiny little house with a single bed for you and your gramps wait what you go outside after picking up your starter deck.

Oh, hello. So apparently the main character is an older sibling figure to these two kidlets. Nico scolds West for going around too fast (she does this a lot) and West counters with the fact that Nico's too slow (he does this a lot too). Anyways, they want me for something. They want me to meet them at their "hideout," which is a small shack over to the north of Crashtown, just on the outskirts of town. So I can either go straight there or kick a few duelists' asses along the way. But that's unimportant so let's just go see them and continue the storyline. Oh, and there's a card shop on the way, but they're closed atm. ;;

Okay okay what is it.


Well, the point of the game is to duel...

Oh, by the way, in Crashtown, you don't do rock-paper-scissors to determine who goes first, instead you do shootoff DDR.  Finish pressing the buttons in the fastest order and you go first. I rather like this option, it's much less reliant on chance than rock-paper-scissors.

West uses a deck that's...pretty much like Rally's, really. He's got the One-Shot monsters, other robot-like monsters, etc. It's fairly easy to beat him, though, especially since the Starter Deck is actually fairly decent this time around.

Of course, it went even faster this time since I was using Lightsworns. Spore is...a fairly decent tuner for a plant-based deck, so I really don't know why West had it.

They're still not done yet, so West is all "I'LL JUST GIVE YOU ONE OF MY CARDS GO DUEL GALE ALREADY NEECHAN."

Nico uses a plant-based deck (so THAT'S where you got Spore, eh, West?) with some Naturia monsters mixed in. It's more defensive than offensive, though, and the monsters aren't that strong. So again, easy duel.

Krebons is also a decent tuner which can work in a lot of decks.

Anyways, they're finally done with whatever it was they wanted to show me (time sure flies when you're dueling! :D) so let's see what they have for Big Sis Gale.

...NO. NO. NO. B|

Argh, duel puzzles. I admit they can be fun, but they can also be tedious. Anyways, they have five duel puzzles and they want me to solve at least three before I can progress the storyline and leave their prison. :V

Duel Puzzle the first: Not too hard, just make sure you get rid of Gravity Bind and summon that level 8 monster in your hand that I can't remember and blow up those Marshmallon, then direct attack.

Duel Puzzle Deckai: Again, also not too hard. Just make sure you use that level 2 monster's effect to cancel out that trap before you start ritual summoning the level 8 monster. And then use it's effect and DIRECTO ATTAKU. I've never heard of the Gishki archetype tho', sounds interesting.

Duel Puzzle Numero Tres: Okay, this one requires some precise timing but it's still not hard. Just pick and choose which monsters you summon to call out the proper monsters in the deck so you can activate their effects via destruction.

After you solve three puzzles, you get a prize!

Okay, despite all the memes surrounding it, it's actually a fairly decent card that can work in pretty much any deck. I've found it fairly useful, and while it's not a staple, it's a good way to stall a battle.

Before I can leave the shack of terrors, a new fellow shows up.

This guy is Toru, a childhood friend of the main character who shares their dreams of being able to go to the city and becoming an awesome Riding Duelist. However, unlike the main character, he actually has skills with D-Wheels and is working on completing one. So while it's still difficult for him to get out of the town, it's still a heck of a lot easier for him than me. Sigh.

Anyways, he still doesn't want to play, it's just that apparently our hideout is also his toolshed. And he needs tools. :V

Suddenly, West remembers something that cheers him right up.

Yay! So then everybody decides to go down to the card shop. Except maybe Toru. I think he was considering it, but he loves D-Wheels too much I think.

So West beats me to the card shop and he gets cards that he thinks will make him better. And then he has more news for me.

Whoo! Rental Decks are...really cheap, actually. There's X-Sabers, Six Samurai, Blackfeathers, Lightsworns, etc. West then says that apparently there's supposed to be four competitors, but one of them hasn't shown up yet. He suggests that I enter in their place. I don't respond to that (lulz no main character talking, sorry), so instead I go into the card shop to GET SOME CARDS.



Well I apparently accept even though there's no YES/NO prompt but ANYWAYS. RENTAL DECK DUEL TOURNEY GO.

At least I get to abuse cheap decks.

It's going to be a round-robin tourney, person with most victories wins. First round is!


Anyways, I choose to use a Blackfeather deck, while West goes with Infernities. And I win easily.

Second round!


This time I use Dimensional...something. Anyways, a deck that focuses on removing monsters out of play. She uses...uh I can't remember but it doesn't matter since they pick decks at random too. Anyways, I WEEEN.

Also apparently this cap makes it look like I'm about Nico's height. Gee I feel short.


There's a bit of comedy here, since the ref wants to root for me but apparently this shopkeeper who's dueling is meeeaaaan. She uses the same Dimensional Deck that I used against Nico, I use Six Samurai. Of course, I win.

Eh, I guess it's a decent card.

RAAAAAAAPE i mean poor Iranami. ;;

Geez, show a little faith in your big sis, would ya?

Anyways, now that that's over and done with, West runs back to the hideout before Nico can remind him that their dad is probably home by now. She then tells me that Klaus is probably home by now too (why should I care B|) and goes after West.

Anyways, since I don't feel like going home yet I decide to go over to the hideout and do the last two Duel Puzzles.


Anyways, Duel Puzzle Four: Be careful with the cards you choose to discard with Fine. Discard the wrong cards and you'll be short a monster to attack with.


also sorry about the cap but there was something wrong with it even when i tried to reupload it. derp.

Anyways, this one focuses on getting out Dragon Exquites out and using it to absorb Shooting Star Dragon's effect to attack five times as well as using it to counter the damage you would have taken due to using spell cards. Then Synchro Summon Scrap Dragon and use it to destroy Gravity Bind and well...there you go. Six attacks. Six powerful attacks. That plus if you activated the spell cards AFTER you summon Dragon Exquites, should do enough damage to win.


Okay time to go home.

...or not. Meet the loser who came in late.

Yep. So sorry.

..*groan* Gee, what a swell guy. He uses a Gemini-archetype deck.

After you beat him it turns out he's a nice guy after all, just a bit stressed after the revelation. The card is...okay, but there are better monster destruction cards out there.

Yup. Aren't I awesome? :D

Okay, NOW we go home.

*sigh* What do you want, gramps.

...Why so meeeaaaaaaannnn ;A; I know I'm a no-good hick kid in a hick town gawd you don't have to rub it in

Huh-what? People in Crashtown go shopping in Satellite? Well, whaddaya know. This might be interesting after all. Also, prompts fic ideas. Maybe.

Anyways after that you can do whatever you want, but the storyline won't progress until you tell Klaus that you're going to bed. This starts the next chapter, though, so we'll end here for the day. Until next time~!

rambles, games, 5d's, gale makes crappy walkthroughs

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