Feb 20, 2011 00:24

this time it came from rhodanum.

Reply to this entry with "IT´S A MEME" somewhere in your comment. Then I'll choose six of your icons for you to talk about in your own journal.

Hello, hot stuff. I knew there were already icons of Z-ONEsei with the wrinkles smoothed out, and they look nice and young and stuff. But I like him with wrinkles. It gives him more of a defined, detailed kinda look. And the way the image is cut off actually makes his eye's expression look a little more tender rather than the smug/sly/ha-ha ur totally surpraised by wat's under here rite expression that's in the original image. Maybe I am a little dissappoint that he wasn't sludgy/deformed like I drew him in my pictars. BUT. I STILL LIKE HOW HE LOOKS ANYWAY. SO THERE.

Starry found this icon in an LJ icon post some time back, and it's actually where I got quite a few of my RnR icons, if I recall correctly. Anyways, I was absolutely delighted to find Ryuusei no Rockman icons in a community that wasn't devoted to the series, and an animated icon like this was just too delightful to pass up. Even if it does make me blanch a little because it reminds me how horribly flat they made Luna's character in the anime as opposed to the games.

Also apparently everyone associates me with this icon. I HAVE NO CLUE WHY.

This icon, unlike the other RnR icon, was taken from one of my RP accounts that I created and never ended up really using. I just adore how exasperated Subaru looks in this picture, and the circumstances that bring it about (War-Rock was bugging Subaru about what 'school' was the night before and wouldn't stop pestering him to go there so he could see what it was like. The dub makes it especially narmy. "What, are you afraid that I'll get all this 'school,' and you won't get any?") just really show the dynamic between Subaru and War-Rock's radically different characters and flsdfalksdhflsdfdsfhsd they're just adorable together sometimes.

But I digress. TL'DR: this expression is adorable and fitting and I felt like nabbing the icon. So there.

Ah yes, Haruka. That one-shot character in that little bit of plot that made us WTF about Aki suddenly losing her powers out of fucking nowhere. The one bright spot was that I got to go: "LOL she looks like me while I was that age" and make everybody grin a little. And then I decided to get some icons with her in it. 8U

And then Aki decided to save me and things were cool for a while I guess. I lost my deck though. :<

Anyways, I just love this little expression because it can be used for varying degrees of concern or sadness. It's fairly useful and I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon.

Oh hey. That one icon I used to spam a helluvalot when I actually did episode ramblings. I should start doing those again. But I'm lazy. 8U So yeah I got this off an iconpost back when the show was deemed to be awesome by everybody  the Dark Signers arc was going on. I think this was capped from the Rudger vs Yuusei duel. Not much else to say about it.

Haahahahahaha oh yeah I remember back when I fancied myself a whiz with edited Poketrainersprites and used them for avatars. This is one of the few original icons to still be there. I think I made it in response to something on bad_rpers_suck but I can't remember. Anyways I'm not so fond of super strong reactions nowadays so I don't use it much but I don't have motivation to replace it either. So it's kinda sitting there. 8U

megaman starforce, ryuusei no rockman, why gale why, 5d's, meme

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