[POEM] The Ditty of the Diminutive Deities

Nov 05, 2010 23:53

Title: The Ditty of the Diminutive Deities
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!5D's
Characters: EvilGodsSatisfaction!Crow, EvilGodsSatisfactionYuusei, EvilGodsSatisfactionJack, and EvilGoddamnIneedtocomeupwithashorternameforthisverseSatisfaction!Kiryuu.
Rating: PG...13? Maybe? 
Pairing: Probably a Satisfaction fourway if you're inclined to see it that way. It's not really intended to be shippy, though.
Summary: Because all stories about ancient gods have to be written in verse.
Notes: It's serious, guys. Really. It really is serious stuff. The fact that it's about tiny!evilgodsverse has no effect on that. I think.

There once was a group of four,
Who all found themselves at Death's Door.
But what they all found
Was the chance to be crowned
And to be immortal forevermore.

It is quite the long,sorry tale,
Told from city, desert, and jail.
And it starts with some boys in Japan
Who had a crazy plan
That was, frankly, doomed to fail.

They called themselves Team Satisfaction,
And prided themselves on their strong action.
However, things went wrong,
They were soon surrounded by a throng
Of offcers, not pleased with their infraction.

See, the leader had killed a man of the law,
And thusly the others were appalled.
So they threw him in a truck
And securely locked him up,
It was said his last word was a crazed guffaw.

In his sleep he had seen a purple light,
Who's offer brought him great delight.
So he made the alliance,
To become the Giant's,
Killed some more officers, then fled into the night.

Ever since that forced separation,
The other three quite lost motivation.
So they all split apart.
'Twas still only the start
Of their ever increasing vexation.

So in an old shack,
One had found a new pack,
Made up mostly of children.
There were two older men,
That watched out for all their backs.

One was a tart,
With his hair just in one part.
The other was a mechanic,
Laid back, slow to panic,
And they had quickly won over his heart.

But of course, it didn't last,
For with a sudden blast,
The shack had burst into flame.
And sadly, the bird took the blame,
Because of his dark and dubious past.

Alas, none looked for the truth,
For they thought him most uncouth,
And a villain most horribly vile.
In jail, they tormented the child,
And so, his life ended in the prime of his youth.

"Alas!" said the King,
"What a most depressing thing,
To hear of this horrid betrayal!
With my power, tear down false portrayal,
And end it with one brutal swing!"

At first the little bird cursed,
Then realized it could be much worse.
So he nodded. "I agree,
Except, you see,
I think I'd rather torment him first."

While the bird hunted his prey,
A good distance away,
The tall one wiped his brow.
He didn't quite know how
He had lost his way.

After bidding adieu,
He had chosen to eschew
The other's company.
And so after many
Days he was somehow in Peru.

Suddenly there was much laughter.
And then just right after,
There was a spirit at his feet.
Made of fire, it said, "Nice to meet
You, potential new master!"

"You just have to defeat
Me, quite the feat,
To be worthy of the one
Who can match the Crimson Dragon!
Truly, a deal most magnifique!"

Now, the man didn't quite care
For the little spirit's extravagant flair.
But the power sounded nice
And that would suffice
As a reason to visit the lair.

Short story, he won,
And while the duel was quite fun,
It wasn't quite enough to satisfy.
"I think," he said, "It would be a better prize,
If the King and Devil simply became one!"

Meanwhile, left quite alone,
Still wanting to atone
For the separation was the last of the four.
Kept to himself, till a knock at the door
Revealed a visitor, saying that he should do more.

"Your mental strength should be refined
For you to unlock your Clear Mind,"
Said the visitor, who left right there.
And so he set to work but to his eventual despair,
He found that he had left his body behind.

However, his mind had grown strong,
Enough to support his body for a period prolonged,
For just enough to haul
Debris to make a shell to crawl
Into so he could keep going along.

Now, the bird had gotten quite bored
With tormenting the murderer of the man he had once adored.
So he thought he might
Just take a little flight
To look for the others he had so long ignored.

The first one he found,
Was the tall Earthbound,
King of them all, he proudly said.
"Tch!" Said the bird. "You lunkhead!
You see, I'm the one who's been crowned!"

And so with no remorse,
Bird knocked the man off his high horse,
With nary a sweat.
They reconciled, and yet,
They continued to bicker, of course.

Giant was found next
In a state of bitter unrest.
Unfortunately, he still thought
That the reason he had been caught,
Was the friends that he had loved best.

"You dumbass!" they cried.
And in the blink of an eye,
They thoroughly kicked some sense
Into him, overwhelming his formidable defense.
Afterwards they all had a good cry.

When they found the last,
They were all quite aghast
For it was apparent that he had gone quite mad.
Something had infected the lad,
And it had made him much more of an ass.

Of course, they served him a hefty dish
Of ass-kicking (and a slap with a fish).
When normal, he was quite glad
To see that they had
Granted his most fervent wish.

Together again, they pondered.
After so long of having blundered
Around, they were together again.
With their new selves, it was quite plain
That together, they were quite the wonder.

"You know," said the bird,
"It's really rather absurd
To keep apart like this."
None of the others saw something amiss
With what he said, and accepted his word.

Now, one last task
For them to do-what is it you ask?
Why, of course, it's the leader
That they must choose, dear reader!
And then in their glory they can bask.

It was quickly agreed
That there was no need
For them to pick the wandering Giant.
They were sure his mind was not quite reliant:
'Twas as fragile as a thin, wispy reed.

Said the tall one "It should be me!
I'm the strongest of us four, as you see!"
"You?" snorted the bird. "Picking you
Would be a choice that we'd quickly rue,
Having to listen to you screech out orders like a banshee!"

"Would you be the leader of our dead
Little group?" was a question the third had to dread.
"The prospect sounds fine,
But I'll have to decline,
I fear the Momentum's gone to my head."

"Guess it's me, then!"
Said the bird, puffed up like a proud hen.
"An' if it's my power you wanna check,
I've got Aiapaec!
He's got all your power times ten!"

And thusly, so decreed,
The bird took the lead
Of their band made of those that trascend
Beyond death, and thusly the story does end.
This is why I don't write poetry.

never writing poems again ever 8U

gale should stop being bored, fanfic, 5d's, what, crack

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