
Jun 04, 2010 09:00

On occasion when my parents have to leave early for work, I walk littlest!bro to school in the mornings. They're usually pretty fun and refreshing walks, since littlest!bro is the one I'm closest to and we can jabber on about faibu deezus and animoo and vidya games and stuff.

Today was quite fun since yesterday at his chorus concert, brother snuck home several Oreos from the snack table and we were planning to eat them with milk...only to find there was no milk. Then dad brought some late last night and we were planning to eat them the next morning. Then mom gave us constant chores and we had no time.

Then brother decided to bring a mug of milk and the Oreos with him, and we ate them while walking to school. Cue ridiculous Oreo-based fun. What with me singing that old song they used in those commercials and that I wish they still used because my brother misses out on the awesome nineties stuff being too young to remember them sob and with us constantly giggling over the mess we were making with our hands and wondering how to split that ninth and final Oreo before finding that it had actually broken into pieces that were easy to split and we just ended up mixing them into the milk and each drinking half.

Conversation ender:

Gale: We should introduce Yuusei to Oreos.
Viper (littlest!bro): B|   :|   :]   X]   XD

gale's an idiot, littlest!bro is awsm, littlest!bro's a derp, why must life be real, why gale why, oreos, derpin'

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