Episode 101

Mar 17, 2010 12:16

okay look I can't even bother because I just cannot get into this duel any more. So you get a short bulleted list and a copypasta'd chat

important points
  • Breo loses halfway through the ep, but not before knocking down Yuusei's lifepoints to 1000 and knocking down his deck to four cards.
  • Yuusei has a new Synchro called Gurren Lagaan Junk Destroyer
  • Jean is starting to get a little loopy, like Breo
  • idek how the writers are gonna pull this off, man.
and you get a chat between me and icey because fuck this shit, I can't summarize anymore.

[11:13] northwindgully: although I'm probably gonna just go like last week.
[11:13] northwindgully: yay this happened now goodbye
[11:15] Fortunelady Icey: yeah. I don't think I'll be all to impressed either.
[11:16] Fortunelady Icey: and I think I really look forward to getting over and done with Team Unicron.
[11:16] northwindgully: yeah
[11:16] Fortunelady Icey: it's just what… one or two more episodes?
[11:16] northwindgully: this is going on too long
[11:17] Fortunelady Icey: yeah. Honestly, I think Crash Town was better.
[11:17] northwindgully: at least the plot centered around more than one duel
[11:17] northwindgully: and it had Kiryuu
[11:17] northwindgully: which is petty, I admit
[11:18] Fortunelady Icey: Haha *was just aout to say the same*
[11:18] Fortunelady Icey: XDDD
[11:18] northwindgully: but come on, Shinigami!Emo!Kiryuu is fun.
[11:18] Fortunelady Icey: *about
[11:18] northwindgully: I still like the opening and endings, though. ;;
[11:18] Fortunelady Icey: I also think that it had far more intersting new characters. … At least Barbara was interesting
[11:18] northwindgully: but but but I am so looking forward to the new ones
[11:18] Fortunelady Icey: yes. Me too.
[11:19] Fortunelady Icey: … you know I have this silly conspiracy theory.
[11:19] northwindgully: where are team 5D's cheerleaders dammit
[11:19] northwindgully: tell me
[11:21] northwindgully: I swear Accel Draw has manjoume's picture on it
[11:21] northwindgully: i think
[11:21] Fortunelady Icey: Fffh. Manjoume on a D-Wheel. WIN!
[11:23] northwindgully: wait why didn't Stardust get a giant bazooka
[11:23] northwindgully: like Junk Warrior did when he got Synchro Striker Unit'd. ;;
[11:24] Fortunelady Icey: Stardust claws don't quite qualify as hands and they couldn't trust him not to shoot the audience?
[11:24] northwindgully: darn ;;
[11:24] northwindgully: but but Stardust with a bazooka ;;
[11:25] Fortunelady Icey: yeah. They should have strapepd it to it's back or something.
[11:25] northwindgully: ROCKET BOOSTA
[11:25] Fortunelady Icey: yes lol
[11:25] northwindgully: rocketto-dan~
[11:25] northwindgully: ...yeah I'll shut up now
[11:25] northwindgully: oh hi flashbacks
[11:26] northwindgully: jeez, Breo's loosing it

[11:29] northwindgully: gurren-lagaan bot
[11:29] northwindgully: i mean
[11:29] northwindgully: Junk Destroyer
[11:30] northwindgully: christ
[11:30] northwindgully: 1000 LP and four cards in his deck?!
[11:30] northwindgully: how the hell do the writers pull this off?
[11:31] Fortunelady Icey: who knows. But I'll be pissed forever if they pull SSD.
[11:31] northwindgully: aw hell naw they don't
[11:31] northwindgully: they better not
[11:31] northwindgully: dude I want him to use Aki's face down card already
[11:32] northwindgully: use that to beat them.

[11:32] northwindgully: OH STOP TALKING ALREADY
[11:32] Fortunelady Icey: uhm, sure that it was a facedown? I thought that was Wicked Reborn.
[11:32] northwindgully: urrr?
[11:33] northwindgully: I'm pretty sure Aki had a face down she carried over to Yuusei

[11:33] northwindgully: PINK COLLAR PIMP SHIRT
[11:35] northwindgully: oh come on

[11:35] northwindgully: a Tricorn?
[11:35] northwindgully: A robot Lightning Tricorn.
[11:35] Fortunelady Icey: well, we knew it's all robots this season. :/
[11:35] northwindgully: There we go
[11:35] northwindgully: Speed World 2's effect

[11:36] northwindgully: ...WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT.
[11:36] northwindgully: That looks like something from JACK'S deck
[11:36] northwindgully: not his.
[11:36] Fortunelady Icey: perhaps they changed cards around a bit?
[11:37] northwindgully: well at least the duel's becoming a little more fast paced now
[11:37] northwindgully: Road Runner~~~~
[11:37] northwindgully: OH COME ON.
[11:38] northwindgully: Three cards in his deck
[11:38] northwindgully: empty field
[11:38] northwindgully: ...okay I have no clue what face downs he has now
[11:38] northwindgully: or if he has any
[11:38] northwindgully: BUT.
[11:38] northwindgully: 8|
[11:39] Fortunelady Icey: … I bet you he suddenly has a trap or speed spell that lets him pull a move alla Ishizu :/
[11:39] northwindgully: BAH.

[11:40] northwindgully: ...what monster is that
[11:40] northwindgully: it seriously looks like a teeny tiny XLR8 from like...Ben 10.
[11:41] northwindgully: and excuse me because I am lazy I am copying this chat for my episode discussion because BLAAAAARGH.
[11:42] Fortunelady Icey: Np. I just keep facepalming at show. This time even BGM wasn't enough to make it at least somewhat nice.

[11:46] Fortunelady Icey: That monster from the preview reminds me of what little I've seen of the Megaman anime. And appearently Yusei had Cosmic Blast face down. So I guess he tries to end the duel with burn damage. Wonder if we get to see Meteor Stream. I wouldn't mind him ending it with that.
[11:46] northwindgully: oh, you never told me about that conspiracy
[11:46] northwindgully: and lol Megaman <3
[11:47] Fortunelady Icey: Oh yeah. Its about a connection between the terrible animation of Freedom/O-Zone/Season three in general and the disappearance of worthwhile plot.
[11:48] northwindgully: oooh?
[11:48] Fortunelady Icey: It's really silly.
[11:49] Fortunelady Icey: I don't know anymore whom I talked to about this, but we agred that writers must have lost the momentum crack they were on when they wrote season one/two. So I think the Animation Staff might have stolen it. Now the Animation staff is on drugs and can't draw and the writing staff is suffering withdrawal and can't write.
[11:50] Fortunelady Icey: And nobody is happy D:
[11:51] northwindgully: lolllllll
[11:51] northwindgully: actually I think Poet mentioned something about the writing staff growing after season 2
[11:51] northwindgully: including writers for shojo anime and stuff
[11:51] northwindgully: I think
[11:51] northwindgully: I need to ask him.
[11:52] Fortunelady Icey: uhg, don't they know what they say about too many cooks and salt?
[11:53] Fortunelady Icey: …or what ever english counterpart they have for that saying
[11:54] northwindgully: Too many cooks spoil the dish?
[11:54] Fortunelady Icey: yeah

rambles, 5d's

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