Hello guys! I'm done with all my exams except for one in June, so I decided to upload the new part of my Russia challenge. Well, I already took this pictures during February, but I'm finally getting close to the part where I'm currently at =3
In the last part, the number of nations moved in increased. France and boy Taiwan showed us, that the photo booth will be a loved member of this household, a pillow became one with England, there were lots of disapproving nations, the Love Motel turned out to be a hot spot for Nyo!nations and Russia got a new lover.
Poor Russia is so exhausted from meeting all the nations, he needs some sleep.
Good wimmenz!
Guys, please! Be a little more interesting!
Hey, why are you sleeping with your eyes open?
NyoAmerica: France is living here with us, or have you forgotten?
So many hobby activities, but no wonderlamp D: And I didn't know you can get hobby enthusiasm by dreaming ;D
Everyone is boring and being all nice. That's BORING!
Why do I even buy new stuff, if no one but the random townie-guests use them?
At least you keep skilling.
LOL Two funny fears I haven't seen before :D
England: Everything must be clean, it must shine bright!
Shine bright like a doitsu~
England: :I
NyoUkraine: Woohoo!
England: Burn down those wankers with a bright red flame, so that no trace remains!
Apparently Austria's not the only one who expresses his anger through the piano. How are you expressing it, England? With Solomon?
Since England and Belarus are the only ones who keep the house clean, I decided to call a maid. And they always manage to destroy everything, Russia also needed to call the repairman or rather repairwoman.
Just some picture spam of England, NyoUkraine and Russia singing and playing the piano.
Great, and now give me the wonderlamp. Heck, I srsly want this stupid thing!
Skill point :D Btw, I've got a mod which turns the karaoke machine and the mike into a charisma-building object because they don't use the mirror and otherwise they would never get any charisma points.
It's great seeing them being BFs, but it's also a bit too boring for me :3 And England appears to be in his splendid isolation again! Wow! What's up with that magically floating plate next to France's head there?
England: That frog's srsly hawt!
Yer not even looking at him :I
England: Oh god, that hamburger stench is disgusting!
Oh England, don't disappoint me! Don't tell me you actually prefer France over America?
England: Gah, that frog is disgusting! He's a wanker!
But just five seconds ago you thought he was hot.
England: I did not!
Okay, is that the truth, or are you just acting now?
England: He's a bloody git! There's no way I'd think he's hot!
Don't leave me D':
I seriously have no idea whether England just wants to make me happy or really doesn't know what he wants. Or maybe he first wanted to make the FrUk fans happy and now the UsUk fans :3
Oh, my poor nations! Always torn between singing or not singing!
Belarus: And though I know all about those men, still I don't remember, cause it was us baby, way before them. And we're still together and I meant, every word I said, when I said that I love you I meant that I love you forever!
Russia: Go homeeeeeeeee!
Hell yeah, Spain! Great job!
Spain: I have lots of practice in grabbing the bull by the horns, after all! And now, let's have a fiesta!
Aw yeah! Promotion means more money and more money means we can move soon! =D I've already got the perfect house, we only need more money! :D
Oh my! That's the first time I've ever got that :D But what exactly did I do to get this coupon?
Russia: They're happy whole world becomes one with me.
That's one thing I don't understand. Russia's skill building meter rises fast, but Belarus' is almost the same level she started with! Why?!
Belarus really loves the karaoke machine. Much to my delight she starts forcing all the other nations to sing along which means we'll get lots of skill points :D
Why, Belgium? Tell me, why? Now Russia has to call the repairman AGAIN!
Which he quickly does!
Aw come on, Seychelles! Don't just cancel the friendship!
But the grief is quickly forgotten because I spotted this young lady strolling past :D
Russia: I should start dating more nations, in order to make them become one with me even faster?
Japan: Yes, exactly.
No Russia, no more lovers for you!
Belgium: Waiting for the bitter pill, give me something I can feel. ‘Cause love kills over and over, love kills over and over.
Nice song, but Eurovision's already over.
Belgium: Who cares? As long as I'm skilling up, I can sing whatever I want, right?
France: OMG I LUV BALLS!1one
Spain: O RLY? *bored*
NyoAmerica: Sumthing's not right. My hero senses are tingling!
Hungary, nooooo!
NyoAmerica: See, I told you.
NyoJapan: Oh god, what crappy music is this?!
NyoAmerica: I'm playing the newest song of Justin Bieber...
NyoAmerica, why?!
Better play good songs now that you have another skill point, 'kay, gurl?
Japan: It's not better!
Hungary: Come on, you know it's a good idea!
Japan: I'll see what I can do.
Played enough Justin Bieber songs?
NyoAmerica: Got boring.
Hell yeah, all the skill points! :D
Oh, I see smexy time! Wow, wait! Spain, whatcha doing there, stalking them like that?
Spain: I want to get in there, but a magical force is keeping me from doing so.
France and NyoTaiwan have fun in the hot tub, and both fall in love with each other.
I can already see a nice score :D
Wow, no! Don't go yet, NyoJapan! Dang it!
Don't get preg, please!
But before we find out, let's send Russia, NyoUkraine and England to a community lot.
England starts flirting with Russia and keeps distracting him from talking to all the nations there!
Nah, his current job is much better.
Russia: Don't you want to become one with me?
Canada: I'm not crazy!
Russia: There are ghosts at my place! You need to come and tell them to go away!
Since when do we have-
Russia: Ssh!
Canada: Why do you think I can communicate with them?
Russia: Aren't you a ghost yourself? I can see through you, so you must be a ghost.
Canada: ರ_ರ
lol Everyone dances except for England.
England: I'm a gentleman, I don't embarrass myself in public like that.
Nope, thanks! No nation, no want.
And England starts kissing Russia again. At least he waited until there were no nations there anymore.
No nations were coming there anymore, so I sent them somewhere else. And look! There's a huge amount of awesomeness lingering there!
Heck, so much awesomeness! I'm impressed my computer is able to handle it!
Well, at least this will keep Russia from getting yet another lover.
Oh nice!
Russia: Handcuffs are really great.
Prussia: OMG that's totally true!
No, just no, NyoUkraine! Not more lovers for Russia!
OMG a wild Switzerland appeared!
Russia: Great. Now that we've talked about handcuffs and you agreed that they are great, let's become one, da?
Prussia: lol no.
Russia: Oh come on, it's not as bad as you think! You can ask the others!
Prussia: No. *rageragerage*
Prussia: Russia, what are you doing there? Russia? Hey, Russia? Stahp!
In the end they all sit down and eat some hot dogs.
England: My magic is the best.
Prussia: Can't believe that.
England: Oh no? Then how about asking Flying Mint Bunny?
Ew, I wouldn't eat those!
Noo, America, don't stroll past when Russia has gone already!
Oh yes, I remember! NyoTaiwan tried to become preg, but he's not. Whew!
Aw yeah!
Remember guys, poking is the most bad-ass and worst thing.EVAH.
Belarus: You dirty little thing! How dare you bang that perv in the hot tub! Others want to actually get in there!
NyoTaiwan: Don't you poke me!
Belarus: *rageragerage*
NyoTaiwan: D:>
NyoTaiwan: *rage*
I must say, I approve of this action!
OMG he made Belarus cry!
My, that escalated quickly.
DUN DUN DUUUUN! I dunno why, but I love this shocked/desperate face xD
ALL the skill points! :D
Japan does not approve of saunas.
It makes me so happy to see them all skilling :D
Come over and become one, Hongkong! ( ^ J ^ )
Some need mechanical skill points, but they don't read those skilling books autonomously, so I bought them that car. Dunno if they use that autonomously, but it's worth a try.
Russia! Don't destroy the computer D:
Ummm... yes. This is how he greets Hongkong.
Hongkong: Hey, big boy, how about-
Russia: Nope.
Face palm, level Russia.
Oh, they must really hate each other.
Belarus: @*$#!!!
NyoTaiwan: *rageragerage*
NyoTaiwan: Aw yeah, I'm totally kick-ass!
Whole world becomes one with Russia, one nation at a time ^ J ^
And they don't stop raging.
Naw, why you no home? D:
Russia: Yes, Spain lives here and he is really hawt!
He's calling NyoEngland, btw.
All the skill points :D
Russia: How can she just hang up and leave? D:
That's how life works, dear. You always get disappointed.
Oh come on, guys! I mean, seriously? Why isn't anyone home? Oh well, this means, let's go to another community lot!
Liechtenstein is already waiting for Russia :D Good girl!
And Finland is there too :D
OMG Russia meets Russia!
Russia: It's not a nation, I don't want her number.
NyoRussia: That's a shame.
I've only seen it just a moment ago! NyoRussia is actually holding Russia's arm while he's talking :D
Russia: It was creepy! Yesterday while I was out I met a ghost!
NyoRussia: Really? That's kol!
Russia: How about becoming one with me?
NyoRussia: No, you become one with me.
Russia will become one with Russia lol
And once we're back, NyoTaiwan and Belarus start fighting. Again.
Belgium, don't skip work!
Belgium: You want us all to skill.
Yes, but not if that means skipping work!
But he's still not pregnant :D
NyoTaiwan, don't you dare skipping work like Belgium.
Nothing interesting is happening at the moment, only skilling up :I
Hmmm... let's say T-shirts. I don't like banner ads :I
Aw yeah!
Come on, Hongkong moved in like 2 minutes ago! Of course he couldn't go to work! That's totally mean!
Great you're being promoted, dear, but don't bring home bog-standard random townies.
We have showers, you know.
Don't get pregnant, please.
NyoAmerica: America! America! God shed his grace on thee and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!
You sure love yourself, huh?
Whew, no pregnancy! But I know someone will get pregnant sooner or later :I
That's a kinda difficult wish. I can't fulfill it, NyoAmerica. Sending like 15 nations or so on vacation could be kinda hard :I
Skill point~
*rage* I'm watching you now!
And yet another skill point.
Please let that be a nation!
You'd better bring another nation along.
Russia: *whistles*
Everyone either loves France or Russia lol
But at least Russia could convince NyoEngland over.
Good boys.
NyoTaiwan: Oh, great you're home. Here, eat my fist!
NyoAmerica: Oh awesome, fishies!
Let's visit the love motel. Was a hot spot for nations last time, after all!
Oh look, it's Miss Awesome!
Russia: Great, you're here too.
NyoRussia: ^ J ^
And Netherlands there too :D I really adore this lot!
Russia: You're really nice! I heard you have a sunflower garden? I'd love to visit it!
NyoRussia: Oh, you heard about it? Sure!
Russia: Do you want to become one with me then?
Netherlands: That male counterpart of you is hot.
NyoRussia: Of course he is. We are kinda the same, so he'd have to be hot as well, right?
Lot glowing at night?
At the next community lot, America is lurking :D
And Norway. No, Russia, you can't go to his vital regions to claim him and make him one with you. You already did that often enough...
Russia: Okay, so one day I was at an optician and before me was that Czech person. He went to the optician who shows him a card with the letters 'C Z W X N Q S T A C Z' "Can you read this?" the optician asked. "Read it?" the Czech replied, "I even know the guy."
Norway: lol
Russia: Oh god, a creepy perv wants to molest me! Help me, I'm eating a fence!
Unsavory Charlatan: *rape face*
Russia: Kolkolkolkolkol
I love how Switzerland is totally approving :D
Russia: No one messes with Mother Russia! Kolkol
NyoItaly: That was a nice move, Russia!
Russia: Thank you! Here, let me kiss you hello, my dear chap!
NyoItaly: *pokerface*
Russia: Oh wait, he actually wanted to steal my money and not rape me!
Everyone's hungary :D
Nice! This lot is also a great hotspot for nations :D
Russia invited them home and they actually agreed.
NyoItaly: No, I don't want to become one!
Skiiiiill point~
Don't go D:
Monaco: One day, fish, one day!
Spain: I wonder what it would be like to live as a mermaid?
After lots of building up relationships and promising pasta forever NyoItaly agreed to become one.
The raging will never stop!
NyoTaiwan: I'm so awesome, look how I always kick yer ass!
Oh my, France! Is there something we need to know?
France: L'amour is endless, it reaches everyone and you cannot do anything against it ;) And he also has a nice ass!
All right, France, if you say so, then it must be true. Anyways! I'll end this part for now! Let's see, we have a total of thirteen nations already living there! The numbers rising and rising, I'm really proud of Russia! He's doing a great job! Let's see what will happen in the next part which will be released in June!
Thanks for reading and see you in the next part!