You know, the one with the self-lubing magic asses, and Anel who is shota bait like whoa totally 18 years old and whose scenario you ace if you seduce him all the way and then violently beat his disfigured miserable servant who wants to bone him but isn't hot enough? Yeah, THAT GAME.
I finally got the A-Rank for all 12 missions, and I got two bonus missions as a reward. I was thinking, hey, cool, probably means more CGs and an all-out depravity awesomefest, above and beyond the rest of the game in terms of hotness and unintentional lulz. Great!
...So, for a sociopathic, rape-tastic, ephebophile, unintentionally hilarious eroge, I gotta say. Those last two missions were adorable. I wasn't expecting to squee and d'aww and lapse into a diabetic coma from all the sweetness and love and drama. And of course, yes, there was sexin', it's an eroge for cryin' out loud. But not much. And it was really, just.... d'aww.
And now, to go get all the terribad endings for the CGs. They're not as fun as the Tsukihime BAD ENDs, but so far my worst endings for this game have all involved someone getting killed, and I'm sick of not being able to murder small animals in Mabinogi, so hey, let's see what kind of body count I can rack up!
....Or I could sort this 20somethingGB torrent of Touhou music. I've sorted out most of my Touhou by base song, but now I've got a whole lot more, and I think I need to like... PageNest all of TouhouWiki just to figure out which songs were based from what. If I can just get all the "U.N. Owen wa Kanojo Na No Ka?" and "Otenba Koimusume" mixes into their proper folders by morning, I'll be happy...
...OR I could spend a few hours painstakingly searching to try and identify the original version of a Miku-with-intermittent-Len song from the first CD of the Hatsune Miku Nonstop Dance Mix. DAMMIT, RIN.