Convergence n Stuff

Jul 02, 2009 11:47

Here's my annual post, LOL.

I've waffled about going to Convergence for, wow, 3 months now? My airfare was originally about $199. Now it's nearly $400. Teach me to not make up my mind. But it didn't sound like any forumites were planning to go, except for daytrippers. Us Texas people, we can't exactly do that, I checked. Um, 1350 miles. That's a helluva day trip. So now that the lab FINALLY announced some plans about what they're doing, I''m definitely going. I've bought laminates, and I have a room on the Queen Mary lined up from someone who can't go. All I need now is a roommate. (My DH will go but he's not thrilled about it. He kind of liked C13, but this isn't really his kind of deal.)

Also, I'll have to hide the trip from my family because they're all pressuring me to attend a wedding reception. I don't want to go because:

a) The wedding was sometime in January. My nephew got married and didn't even have the decency to tell my sister. The bride let it slip on the phone.
b) It's dumb. Why a reception 6 months later? Presents, that's why. And to gather the fam to meet the other family I suppose. I don't care.
c) If it's about the gift I sent one. They had a 'mail shower.' The happy couple will open them when they get there I guess. For the record, I think the shower was dumb, too.
d) I did all this last summer for my son's graduation party. It was stressful even without as many of my extended relatives. Don't want to repeat the experience that soon.
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