Mental status update

Oct 02, 2014 06:24

... a title I should hang onto, methinks.

I'm fine, mostly, but I got a serious reminder this week that I'm also, ahem, pushing 70. (Mostly this feels like the 55 that my mother got, but still).

Two things:

First, I'm driving a rental car while mine's in the shop. I know I have lots of driving habits and procedural memory, but I'm trying to be mindful of not having the EZ Pass. I've rented cars several times this year, and found it awkward but not impossible.

This week, though, I've driven through the EZPass lanes more than once. One time, I had the ticket and the money IN MY HAND, but found myself in my usual EZPass-only lane when it came time to actually exit. I can excuse myself a little by realizing this is an exit I use almost daily, but still ...

Second one is a brand new mistake: I wrote a check in which the numbers and the words didn't match. And didn't see it. And was surprised by the phone call. I can see why it happened - the check was for over a thousand dollars, and I have the vaguest memory of thinking 'should I write this as 'one thousand one hundred twenty-seven' or would 'eleven hundred ...' take up less room?' But actually writing 'one thousand twenty-seven' is a new mistake.

I'm slightly more troubled by not noticing it than by having written it in the first place.

I'm slightly more troubled by having driven through the EZPass lanes more than once than by the first time.

I'm hugely more troubled by having driven through the EZPass lanes after having the presence of mind to get out my money.

Looks like I just have less 'cognitive reserve' than formerly. But frustrating.

Mostly I'm writing this in LJ to have a log for it, in case I later need to know something like 'when did this start?'

Thanks for listening. It appears to be still true that old age ain't for sissies.
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