Becalmed, and coping

May 01, 2012 15:34

Note to self: Posting once a month is insufficient. But here's the news of the month:

The lovely ketch is still on the river in Guatemala, along with Beloved Younger Son, Delightful Daughter-in-Law and Glorious Grand-Daughters. Dear Husband and I, on the other hand, are in the noisy, crowded city trying to spring some parts from customs, where they have been stalled since March 27. Five weeks today. We have been here a week, visiting offices, sending e-mails, making phone calls. Sometimes accepting 'tomorrow, maybe,' other times arguing.

In one respect, the Trip of a Lifetime is about ruined -- which is a position I am being adequately successful at staying out of, emotionally. What is true is that the 6 weeks of sailing in Belize has been cut to about 7 days max, possibly less depending upon weather. Oh, and whether we are able to collect all the embargoed parts or not. The 2 weeks of sailing from Belize to Mexico has been cut to one week or less. If we are not able to collect all the parts, most of the trip will be motoring as we will only be able to sail downwind, using spinnaker, jib and staysail, with neither main nor mizzen available to balance the rig or allow any sailing to windward.

Though disappointing, this has not deprived the trip of all of its usefulness nor even of all of its delights.

So far, for example, Granddaughter #1 has learned to drive a 40-horse dinghy quite competently, even at planing speeds. Granddaughter #2 has gone from dog-paddle-with-lifejacket to a respectable sidestroke and a beginner's messy crawl, no flotation required. Younger Son has demonstrated significant competence with mechanical, electrical, and plumbing repairs and has been instrumental in getting everything shipshape and ready to move. If the sail track and lazyjack blocks had been delivered even two weeks late we would be enjoying lake sailing in preparation for next week's high-enough tides. There has been plenty of kayaking, dinghy sailing, and enjoyment of licuados, tostadas, pollo y lomito. The vacation has not been a bust, it just has not gone as planned.

And now there is a new plan. Tomorrow we go to the customs office yet again. If we are at all successful, Dear Husband will take what parts we can get and board the bus for a 5-hour ride back to the boat. I, on the other hand, will fly to California for another delightful weekend of important work with valued colleagues, feeding my spirit and supporting some of the most important Soul-Centered Education I know about. In a few days I will rejoin the boat and we will continue the trip North, in whatever way that seems possible.

second summit, relationship, guatemala, family

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