Sweet December

Dec 04, 2011 19:24

Progress is happening on the project of detaching from our New Jersey stuff.

Dec 1: 5 pianos left the barn, sold to a Maryland rebuilder. Income to our housemate, the one who's been in the piano business for 50+ years; open space to us. More buyers are expected during the next 10 days. Will all 35 pianos be sold? Stay tuned. Or if you know someone who wants to buy a rebuildable piano ...

Dec 2: I flew to California for a weekend of serving as volunteer reader at the university where I did my master's in spiritual psychology. I'm finding long flights more and more challenging, chiefly for circulation issues and my hips and spine don't appreciate the confinement of a coach seat with no legroom. I need to get finished with this habit of flying at 3-day intervals, but I'll do it at least once more.

Dec 4: Spent the morning with the tenant who is subletting me her apartment. She leaves tomorrow on her multi-month jaunt. Today I met her brother who lives an hour away, her friend who lives in a neighboring building, her neighbor who will be watering the plants and picking up the mail until we arrive. I am so excited, so ready to be living in sunny Southern California. Spent the afternoon with my son and his family, out to lunch with baby in stroller and then a little baby care while mommy gets some alone time.

Tomorrow I fly back to NJ. Tuesday our housemates close on their co-op. Wednesday shelves get installed there, Friday the truck comes to take furniture and boxes. With any luck their move will be complete within a week, at least from the house, at least for them getting settled in the new place.

Still to figure out: how and when the piano stuff leaves the barn. Do all the pianos get sold? Do the tools get put in storage pending sale? In some respects this is none of my business, but in other respects ... the original target date was Nov 1. Everyone has feelings about all this.

Once in awhile someone will say that this is all happening a year early, but that's not my perspective. What I recall is that about 2 years ago last March, Dear Husband said the financial situation was unsustainable, and we had to find a way to make the house situation solvent within 3 years. Since during the next 2 years nothing changed except that his share of the burden got larger and larger ... it didn't seem likely that another year would make anything better. So now we're approaching the end of this partnership, and there's sadness in various ways on all sides.

The other day someone pointed out to me that this is very like a divorce, where people are trying to be amicable and everyone's viewpoint of 'why it didn't work' is unique. I think that's so, and the insight may help; we'll see.

For now, though, I'm enjoying my newest grandkid, and packing to get on a plane in the morning.

Blessed Be.

leaving 41

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