A minor rant

Mar 19, 2011 21:08

What is it that makes people think they should be admitted to higher education when they haven't finished the prerequisites yet?

Not that there couldn't be exceptions. But lately I've seen several inquiries that seem to be saying that they think a one-year course in basket-weaving is somehow the equivalent of a BA in English. If you could get into grad school directly from high school they would call it something else, wouldn't they?

I suppose I shouldn't be so irritated. It's not as if I never tried to jump the queue that way. I remember once applying for an 'entry-level' position in nursing without realizing that 'entry level' meant 'recent graduate with an RN' not 'total beginner looking for on the job training.' But my excuse is that I was very young at the time, a recent dropout from a very impractical college experience.

What about people in their 40s who think they should be admitted because they work hard? or because -- this one just came in recently -- they have "always believed in the Goddess"? It might be less frustrating if they could write their way out of a paper bag, but some of these folks don't even know basic grammar.

But anyway.


Thanks for listening.


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