Persephone's Journey

Sep 23, 2009 22:17

Twice this week I've followed the path taken by Persephone.

Just at present my head seems to have a different shape. Some places inside seem unexpectedly vacant; others seem to have a higher intracranial pressure than usual. But this doesn't seem to pose a medical problem; it feels more like the mild soreness after learning a new yoga pose.

I spoke with Hades. I listened to Demeter. I asked Persephone to carry a message for me.

Hades had more to say than I expected, cautioning me to consider well what I am doing in my life, because "it cannot be undone." He told me my journey has been a long one (I knew this), and that it has only begun (hmm). He asked me questions and seemed to receive each answer with peace and grace, asking his next question at a far deeper level than the one before. I have choices to make: What focus do I choose for my life this year? this decade?

Demeter spoke on topics I hadn't thought of, thanking me for the work that I do, offering encouragement, support, reassurance. And, she offered me a bite of the apple of Eternal Summer. Now I am thinking about our winters in warmer waters. I have known that the Wheel of the Year looks different where the days are nearly the same length year round and the temperature ranges from hot to hotter; is this what she meant?

Persephone offered to carry a message, and I found myself voicing one I hadn't expected to ever voice and have rarely even thought about. She nodded gravely, repeated my words in a ringing voice, and looked to the next petitioner, leaving me to wonder what I had meant, exactly, and why it had come forward this year.

Much to think about.

Blessed Mabon.

acceptance, magic, season, witchcraft

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