Changed my LJ style today

Oct 20, 2007 10:54

So today I changed my Style and Theme on this LJ blog. Old style was Punquin-Elegant in Ranchhand colors ... but I wanted to add calendar and tag-list. Today's style is Expressive and Theme is Cityscape Portland. Runners-up: Expressive/Cityscape Philadelphia, Expressive/Poe, Expressive/Subway Blue, Smooth Sailing/Toxic Teal, Smooth Sailing/Mochachino. These are maybe not in order, and if I get tired of Cityscape Portland too soon I may switch.

Then I got carried away and reduced the list of tags by nearly half. Still have plenty of single-entry tags, but at least now there's some sense to what's there. Maybe more reductions will follow; we'll see.


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