(no subject)

May 15, 2005 22:52

First best friends: Ryan, Paul, Mona
First car:...*cough cough*
First screen name: hockyfan80
First self purchased album: Reel Big Fish: Cheer Up
First funeral: that I was at? My aun Josephene's, that I sat in, Terri Newville's
First pets: Cat named Duper after marcus dupree, and dog named leena, after...idk
First enemy: andrew lawrence, who bullied me daily in elementary school
First big trip: Vegas? Cali? lotta family vacations out west kinda blur together
First music you remember hearing in your house: none comes to mind as first really
First Kiss: had something that kinda resembled a kiss with sarah rhoades back soph year...actual kiss came a bit later with...someone

L a s t s
Last car ride: coming back from rambling oaks for playing my violin there
Last good cry: not too long ago...mid last week? maybe the week before but it wasn't good, but it was a cry
Last beverage drank: water?
Last food consumed: orange creamsicle
Last crush: I know, do you?
Last Kiss: if I didn't tell that ^ why would i tell this..?
Last phone call: Arin
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: my trusty addidas cross trainers
Last item bought: gum

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Who is your very best friend? female? name starts with an a...male? John or Ryan
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope

Where is your favorite place to shop? Well, man what a hard question...like, I totally love Abecrombie...but Hollister has its strong points too. I must say though, it has got to be a tie between Bath and Body works, Victoria's Secret, and Christie's Toy Box...
Any tattoos or piercings? needles scare the shit out of me, never getting any of either

S p e c i f i c s
Do you do drugs? hell no
What kind of shampoo do you use? hell if i know, whatever is in the shower and not empty
What are you most scared of? right now? being forgotten...and things changing
What are you listening to right now? Robot Chicken...
Where do you want to get married? A vegas drive thru...no, idk...too far off
How old do you want to be when you get married? After grad school
How many buddies are online right now? 21
What would you change about yourself? my overdramatic nature, my assholeness, my laziness, a lot of things
What's on your mind right now? graduation...senior trips...other stuff that is staying on my mind, not yours:-p

F a v o r i t e s
Color: BLue, every other color is digusting and ugly...jk
Food: Thai or Chicken Alfredo Pizza
Boys' names: who the hell knows...i don't care at this point in my life
Girls' names: same^^
Subjects in school: whatever requires the least reading
Animals: Koala's...because of Dan P.'s Readers theater
Sports: hockey
Perfume: erm
Cologne: erm

H a v e | Y o u | E v e r
Taken a bath with someone? what the fuck...first off, who didnt bathe with someone when young...and who in the hell does this thats our age? seriously
Made yourself throw up? kinda, I've helped it along before games...but thats it
Skinny dipped? hell no
Been in love? yes?
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? no
Pictured a crush naked? of course...really who hasn't...isn't that the point of having crushes?
Actually seen a crush naked? maybe, maybe not...who knows...well i do...but you don't:-p
Cried when someone died? ...yeah...a lot
Lied? I wouldnt ever dream of it
Fallen for your best friend? yeah...everytime i can remember actually when it was an opposite sex friend...and then...ryan...well, i just won't mention that
Been rejected? yup
Rejected someone? yes...harsher than i intended to
Used someone? probably
Done something you regret? yup

C u r r e n t
Clothes: tan shorts, undershirt
Hair: well its in a ponytail...and curled a bit, i think I may highlight it later...no...there really isnt much that can be done with my hair in this cut
Music: Phantom
Make-up: more than a cheap whore...(what the fuck)
Annoyance: amanda
Smell: nothing right now
Desktop picture: ?
DVD in player: none

L a s t | P e r s o n
Hugged: Arin
You Imed: manda

A r e | Y o u
Arrogant: no, but i can be smug at time
Interesting: yes...but not in a good way
Moody: if im tired or stressed
Hardworking: no way in hell
Organized? not very
Healthy: hell no
Attractive: judging by my dating record...and amanda's comment of shock when i pointed out the one sustained ex...of "but...she's hot"...I'd say no...thanks manda;-p
Responsible: kinda
Obsessed: not really
Angry: can be
Sad: yeah
Disappointed: in the long range? kinda?
Hyper: very very scarsely
Trusting: too at times, not enough at others
Talkative: im trying to get more and more so
Legal: in a few weeks

W h o | D o | Y o u | W a n n a
Kill: there are a few people
Slap: people who don't realize mistakes they are making
Look Like/ be like: i dont know
Talk to Online: whomever is on? hell if i know
Do: hmm...so many...
Meet: Zach Braff or Nat Portman

W h i c h | I s | B e t t e r
Coke or Pepsi? coke
Flowers or Candy flowers? flowers
Tall or Short? in girls? short, i like to be able to cuddle...

R a n d o m
in the morning i am: not awake/very cranky
all i need is: openness and honesty, and...appreciation...that one seems rare
what do you notice on a person first? eyes usually
what do u notice about a person first? how outgoing they are
worst question to ask to a crying person: "Shut up you stupid bitch"
who makes you laugh the most: hmm, im not sure...in physics, its John
who makes you smile the most: same as the previous question
who gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling when you see them? a few people
who do you have a crush on: ummm
who has a crush on you? i don't think anyone

D o | Y o u | E v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you? i dont think i have
wish you were a member of the opposite sex? no
wish you were younger: no...never
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