TJMaxx can go fucking BLOW ME

Apr 21, 2003 22:43

okay....this is GOING To be a rant so forwarning........

Okay -- Real life drama you dont mean to cause and people take it the wrong way? can REALLY rub you the wrong way. People need to realize (me included at times -- yes i'll admit it ) that it's a ROLE PLAY.... *coughs* okay, that's all of that... now onto my Bigger rant:

9 hours of TJMaxx is the day from fucking HELL

especially when you have God damn fucking people who dont do ANY work and expect you to rework the entire fucking Gadget wall ALL god damn day while everyone else decides to screw off and do shit jobs where i'm doing the majority of the fucking running around.

I mean yes -- I know things have to get done -- but i was in a fucking ACCIDENT For shits sake! Make it a LITTLE fucking easy on me will you?

And if one of them was gonna say something to me -- I was NOT Going to fucking hesitate to fucking smack the shit out of someone -- *literally* Yes i did a well job of hiding my anger -- but It doesnt stop me from wanting to cause some major fucking damage......

Now I sit here at home, my entire body is sore as fuck, my head is throbbing like a major bitch -- and I Want to either a) curl up and die or b) Curl up and cry ..... dont know which yet

*coughs* that that's out of the way.... (even though i'm crying now from pain and anger) There are a few things I am still grateful for:

1) Miraba Nasiha- _kyri, Sayr and Ametrine. I love you three more than LIFE.

2) retronami -- You just hold a special spot in my heart sweetie..... no matter what. I'm VERY thankful for you every day. EVERY single fucking day.

3) ksama caelum_malfoy shortypenguin acadiandream and avalon2 You guys are the greatest -- and I dont deserve you at ALL........

4) Everyone who wants me to keep them on my friends list -- it proves that even despite it all -- i'm loved.

5) My friends in Furuuba. You guys are the greatest.

Okay........... i'm gonna go hug my padfoot plushie like mad now and pretend its the one who owns me
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