Jan 18, 2007 00:07
They still haven't done surgery on Grandma yet. But I guess it was just the ball of her leg that broke, not the whole hip. They're waiting for her heart to be more normal before operating, so it will probably be Friday or the weekend. SHe's on morphine, so not too much pain. But with some changes the heart doctor did she's in slighlty more pain than before. Her leg's in some thing to keep it... out of the socket? I only hear things from my mom who hears from someone else. My parents will be down Thursday or Friday to see her.
I guess one of the main concerns now is when to get her back up north. My aunt and uncle that she's visiting are both practically seniors themselves and have more than enough health problems themselves. Like seriously, other than the broken hip, they're worse off than Grandma. But, it's a long drive to bring Grandma back. And if there's too much snow to bring her out back there would be a lot of stairs to get her in the house. Once she's in the house it would be fine though.
i really hate the thought of her laying on the cement floor of the garage, dragging her body so that she wouldn't get run over when my aunt returned, and trying to keep warm under a piece of plastic while waiting for help. and Even when they returned, they were still trying to use fur coats and little heaters to warm her up for half an hour before the ambulance arrived.
But, everything now seems okay. People seem pretty optimistic. She really was doing okay before she fell. So as I said, the main concern is when she'll be able to come back up north. I don't know if it's normal to delay this kind of surgery so long, but the heart doctor just wnats to make sure that her heart is in really good condition so that she'll be as healthy as possible going in. I guess the hip guy ujust wanted to get her into surgery like it was just another thing on his to do list, so she's glad to have a doctor that really seems to care about her.
People keep telling me how common breaking your hip can be, so maybe that's why Ive heard of so many people dying because of it? they were just pretty bad to start with and this was just kind of the straw the broke the camel's back? I don't think my Grandma's there yet, but she will be someday I guess. It's crazy to think that she has great-grandchildren that are in their 20's. And although not married, one is apparently living with someone. She could almost be a great-great-grandma. crazy.