Jan 06, 2005 12:30
I guess that I haven't really updated for real, since the new year rang in. Things have been hella hectic. Between working 2 jobs and trying to get my thesis proposal done I have been about ready to die. Just ask Emily...I im'ed her at 12 something this morning not nearly done with my proposal which was due (yesterday)...OOPS! But I did get it done and e-mailed it in. Hopefully it will pass inspection and then I can get it out to all of my committee members and start working on my methodology sections that has to be in by the 13th or something. AHHHHHHH!.
So yeah, New Years. We had a blast. I have some really great friends, that's what I have to say. None of us were feeling particularly well. We all have bronchitis, and still do, and just really out of sorts. So we had a low key party. LOTS AND LOTS of food, good company, and champagne for midnight. So ten of us say around watching Dick Clark's Rockin Eve and playing Trivial Pursuite Pop Culture addition. It was so much fun, but we are just such old fogies. I had my man to kiss at midnight and that is the first time since.....ever. It really was a good night. (It did suck having to get up and go to work at 10 am the next morning especially after spending the night at John's)
It was so wonderful to wake up with his arms around me. That is the first time I have ever had that.
So on to the resolutions. 1) My biggest resolution was to get back on the program with Weight Watchers and Curves. Which I have successfully been doing. Been keeping track of my points (sort of) and today will be my 3 time at curves this week. I am not just walking through the motions of curves either...i am working my ass off. 2) Be a little more dilligent when it comes to my school work. I have tried, I really have..but this one is going to be the biggest challenge for me. But when I was at the doctor yesterday he gave me new medicine for the ADD and hopefully that will help. (Unfortunately I haven't gotten it yet because it costs $103.75 for a 1 month supply) But I will. 3) To be a bit more tolerant of my aging grandmother. This as well is proving to be VERY difficult. I love her...don't get me wrong, but dealing with her really grates on my nerves. But it was kinda sad yesterday and I felt bad. We have been trying to figure out why she overpours her soda and reaches for things about a foot below where you are holding it. Well we took her to the eye doctor and she has a hemorrhage behind her right eye and there is retinal detachment. She litterally is going blind. It really weighed heavy on my heart, but they are going to do surgery next week to "try" and repair it, but there is no guarantee that she will ever see in that eye again. Please keep her in your prayers.
I think that is all on the resolution list. If I add too many I won't do any.
I guess I need to go and get dressed so that I can go work out at Curves.
Ya'll have a great day and I hope to see everyone soon.