Things have been good in our house lately. The shire has started to really come together again and we have more new people visiting each week. We did a demo on Saturday and the fighters were put on the front page of the Sunday paper. My only complaint is a comment about hitting full force and they were corrected and G repeatedly told them that it wasn't full force, but approximately 80% and they learn to control hits. At least it is good press and it might get some interest. I was really quite surprised at how well the demo went considering the weather was awful. It rained and the wind was so awful that the tent actually blew over during takedown.
I reset my website and just put up my blogging software for now because I have to fix the MareAm website first. I have a temporary face and info up for now, but the MareAm info is up on my blog for shire members to stay in the loop. If you are interested, my site is and the shire site is We had to take down the old site because no one knew the login name and it was easier just to use my host and do a park and reroute for the domain. Plus it saves me time since I can just use my ftp client that was already setup and I don't have to hassle the kind man who has let us keep the site parked for quite some time now.
I received the stack of seneschal files yesterday and I 've been going through them since midday yesterday. I've got things mostly condensed to one big file box and a few books, but I've got a big list of things to organize still. It will just take some time. I'm trying to get as much as I can finished now so that I can slow down a bit when G starts work. He got a call for an interview for Wednesday,so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
K is teething, so she's been fussy and drooly, but not too bad. G is perfectly content watching Diego right now, so G and I should be able to make some progress this afternoon. I'm trying to work out a schedule for taking care of household chores and SCA things. Lately I've been working on things almost around the clock and I need to balance it out with a schedule. I've almost got it all organized and then I will be able to relax some. =)