life is blah

Apr 07, 2005 15:45

I decided that 3 months after starting a live journal it was time to finally write something in it....this is weird to write all about me. School just started again this week and its been possibly the worst week i've had in a long time. After experiencing a week so amazing, going back to the hum drum of school again is terrible. On top of that i'm starting to feel like a lazy bum because all of my extra curriculars have ended and now i end up sitting at home doing nothing it seems like, its nice to have a break but i always feel guilty about sitting on my ass. SOOOO i've decided to volunteer at Children's Hospital which will be an awesome opportunity, i love little kids and it'll be great to volunteer doing something i'll actually enjoy and not dread going to.
I'm taking the ACT's on's so weird that i'm old enough to take them, i remember thinking freshman year that i would never be that old, and now i am..its just kinda surreal. anyways i'm taking them without really studying or anything so i'm a bit nervous to see how i do, afterwards will be fun though- i'm going out for lunch with lindsay s hopefully afterwards and then everyone's going to get together for a sit and do nothing but watch movies night. I'm counting down the minutes til the weekend....
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