Buggering Fucking Bollocks

Jul 24, 2006 16:07

So, I was at the pub on Friday evening. My bag was where it always is (i.e. with everyone else's) but some pikey fucking twat decided they had a right to it and nicked it.

It had my work laptop in (not a financial concern for myself but I now am stuck with a piece of crap that is about as powerful as a scientific calculator and have lost all my software and data that was on there) and between £500 and £750 worth of personal stuff in it (although at least £200 of this I'm not bothered about replacing (my portable minidisc player and discs)). Thankfully, being a bloke, things like my keys and wallet were in my pockets so I wasn't royally fucked! Spent about 2 hours finding a Police station and reporting the crime and have been back to both pubs I was in on Friday but to no avail so I have to face up to the fact that it is truly gone. So now I have to try to get hold of my insurance company and find out if I have cover for my stuff that was in my bag and whether (given the £50 excess, losing my no-claims and the addition to my premium for next year) it is even worth claiming for about £350-£400.

Also, just as an extra kick in the fucking bollocks a letter landed on my doorstep on Saturday morning telling me that because I have employer-provided private medical cover now I have to pay more tax! Admittedly it will not really be an amount I will even notice but only in fucking Britain is it possible for you to make yourself less of a burden to the public service system and yet ending paying more tax for the priveldge.

Overall I am tired and extremely fucked off (in case I had left that at all unclear).
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