moral standards or lack thereof...

Mar 17, 2007 14:16

This post will not be pleasant reading so if you don't like strong language or are of a sort of sensitive nature don't read on....

So I found out the other night that an ex-girlfriend of mine has been telling mutual friends of ours stuff that has got nothing to do with anyone but her and I. Now this hasn't come as much of a surprise to me because of the nature of the fat, poisonous bitch. I deeply regret the situation she has talked about, apologised I don't know how many times and even went to Relate to discuss it outside of our relationship. Apart from deciding to go out with this cow it is one of the very few regrets I have in my life. Finding out she has talked about anything that happened between me and her pisses me off anyway but when it's stuff that makes me look bad and no doubt the bitch twisted it, didn't tell the whole story and made me sound like a complete animal because this suits her purpose to turn people against me. The reason it pisses me off so much is because I go out of my way to not say anything bad about her to anyone at all, let alone mutual friends. Sure, I have told some people certain things I felt they had a right to know because I knew she was being a two-faced bitch and that wasn't fair because of the situations. It also really fucks me off because in the two and a half year, or so, since we split up I realised that she just used me as a monetary stop-gap because I know she couldn't afford to live where she was living and she just waited until she managed to reel some other poor fuckwit in, got her claws into him and could then engineer a way out of being with me. I know certain things she told me are not true because she banged on about lying and dishonesty yet her current idiot of a botfriend told her a lie that ended up with her calling me at 2:30am in tears to find out what was going on, I questioned friends of mine, much to my own personal pain, to find out if they had said anything even though I knew none of them had and yet I know she is still with the short-arsed man-boobed fuckwit - funny that!

Thankfully, as you may have guessed, with this particular person her sordid little plan hasn't worked for which I am thankful because I value the friendship of this person much moreso than anyone else I think we could call a mutual friend. Thank god this person has some form of cranial capacity and is able to make decisions by themself and is not a total sycophant unlike some other people I can think of.

I haven't locked this post because to be honest I don't care if she reads it - I want the fat cow to know about how I feel about her. I doubt she cares and I don't really care if she does - couldn't give a shit if she is totally ambivalent to this post or ends up in tears.
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