Jun 23, 2004 23:05
Strengthen convictions
Bolster your pride
Your foes in your face
Your friends at your side
Call out for justice
Or scream for revenge
As anger climbs higher
And you stand at the edge
If he tells you to jump
Will you then take the plunge
The choice is now yours
How far the blood runs
You've added a body
A blade and a soul
Now held to account
Each one for the whole
Hold fast your conscience
Stand strong keep your head
When every man's fallen
All around you they're dead
You are now last man standing
So what will you do
Will your answer to them
Be what theirs was to you
You exult in your triumph
Raise your hands to the gods
You have conquered the day
You have beaten the odds
Now remember the times
You fought side by side
A fighter to guard
A seer to guide
The glory now sour
Blood passion has gone
With eyes forced to focus
You see right from wrong
Your arm is now leaden
Your strength meets its end
In your blood soaked hand
Rests the heart of your friend